chapter 3

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A few hours passed of watching the show and Jack and Zach both fell asleep. Daniel slept for a few minutes but then woke up, Corbyn and I have stayed awake. My legs were across Corbyns and I was leaning on Daniel who was almost gonna doze off again. I was getting pretty tired since it was already 4am I didn't even notice I fell asleep.
I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes and yawned to wake up more. I was gonna move but felt someone's arms around me and I noticed I was laying on someone. I nervously look at who it was and saw Daniel. He was sleeping and his mouth hung a little open as light snores came out and his silver hair was messy. I'm guessing I fell asleep cuddling him
so I tried to carefully move and grab my phone without waking him up. I stayed laying on him because it was honestly comfortable. Corbyn was still here too but he was also sleeping, Zach and Jack were both gone which is a surprise because they woke up before me. I opened Instagram and my jaw dropped seeing Jack's story. He posted a picture of me cuddling onto Daniel and typed "sleepyheads" that cant be good. Their fans always twist stories around I don't wanna get involved in any drama. I don't need more hate than I already get. I don't want unnecessary attention from this. I felt a panic attack starting because my breathing was increasing and so was my heart rate. I slowly slid out of Daniels arms and went into the bathroom. I closed the door locking it and
started to cry. I hated when this happens I'm never able to control or stop it I'd just have to hope the attack would be over soon. I sat on the floor and cried while hyperventilating thinking about how this could all affect me. I managed to still be able to see through my tears and saw drama accounts calling me a hoe and other names just for falling asleep with him. I saw one post that had a long caption saying not to worry about hate and it calmed me down a bit knowing not everyone completely hated me for being friends with any of the guys or even just being related to Jonah. Someone knocked on the door before talking "Hey y/ ok in there?" He asked, I could easily recognize it was Corbyn's voice. I tried my best to calm down enough to talk
"Y- yeah I'm alright I just..I just accidentally got s cut from s piece of glass but I'm alright" I lie not wanting him to know what was wrong
"Okay well let me know if you need anything" He responds sounding genuinely concerned for me.
"Yeah I will, thanks" I say with my voice cracking when I said thanks. I waited until I heard his footsteps walk away and I tried to wipe my eyes to make it less obvious. I looked in the mirror as I wiped my eyes, I look like such a mess. I walked out and into my room to grab a towel and took a shower hoping it might help make me feel better. I took an hour long shower and felt a little better but at least my eyes weren't as red and puffy. I threw on a
cropped white shirt and some light blue ripped jeans and put my hair up cuz it was hot today. I went downstairs and all the guys were there and so were Gabbie and lavender and Tate.
"Hey" I say and hug Gabbie and Tate.
"Hey! We've missed you" Gabbie says and moves Lav's hand to look like she waved.
"Aww" I say and hold Lav's hand.
"Oh hey and by the way I invited Christina to go to the bonfire with us" I say to the guys
"Ugh why" Zach complains
"Yeah she's lowkey kinda annoying" Daniel adds
"I've never met her so yay" Corbyn says attempting to be excited.
"See at least someone is positive"
"He won't be once he meets her" Zach
mumbles. I never understood why they didn't like her. I ignored what he said and sat next to Gabs to see Lavender. Aww she got bigger since the last time I saw her she's growing so fast. Her baby laugh is so pure and adorable aww.
"Hey by the way we can be at the beach as long as we want and they open the bonfire areas at 2 so we can go whenever" Jonah says and sits on the couch with his coffee
"Ah I missed your old responsible coffee addicted self" I laugh
"I think we all missed him being here" Tate chuckles and sat next to jonah hugging his arm. He smiled at her before leaning down to kiss her.
"Ew get a room you two" I jokingly say
"Oh hush you know you'd do the same if you
had a boyfriend" Jonah says before kissing her again.
"Yeah if you wouldn't intimidate every guy I like maybe I would have one" I respond
"It's my job" He chuckles and sips his coffee.
time skip to 5pm bc nothing happens :)
Christina💕 hey i just got here i'm outside
I practically ran downstairs to open the door and once I saw her I gave her the biggest hug ever. She was on tour for a while so I haven't been able to see her since her stop on tour here.
"Ahhh I missed you" I say and squeeze her in our hug
"I miss you!!" She says and squeezed back tighter.
"Y/n we're heading out in 5 minutes get your
stuff in the car" Jonah says passing by us. We stopped hugging and she saw Corbyn.
"Hey cutie who are you" She smiles
"I'm corbyn I'm happy to meet you" He says and she hugs him.
"Ooh you got muscles too" She says feeing his arm
"Yeah I work out a lot" He says and flexes
"Okay Corbyn literally no one wants to see that" I jokingly say.
"You're just jealous" He says and puts his arms down
"Uh huh sure well I'm gonna go get my stuff" I says and go upstairs. Not gonna lie yeah seeing someone flirt with Corbyn like that did hurt a little but it's not like I would ever be able to even date him so why would it hurt me. I tried
not to think about it but I changed into my bathing suit. I put on the one I thought was the cutest even tho this only covered like 20% of my body it was black bottoms with a blue top.
I just put some shorts on over and a thin open white sweater that was longer than the shorts.
I put on some light brown sandals with blue straps then put my hair up in a messy bun and went downstairs.
"Dang y/n you didn't have to look that good" Daniel teases knowing Jonah hated when they'd flirt with me.
"You're showing too much" Jonah says.
"Yeah that's the point" I smile and get in the car to help Gabbie with the baby seat.

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