chapter 17

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𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲
The bell rang, meaning today was done for school. I honestly don't even know why I chose to go to college it's way too exhausting. I grabbed my bag and left the class. It was 2:37pm but I felt like I was still half asleep and needed to study for the math test we have tomorrow so I walked to Starbucks to get some iced coffee to hopefully wake up more.
I ordered a venti iced white chocolate mocha and a strawberry cake pop then waited for my Uber to get here since I didn't feel like walking home.
I f i n a l l y got home and checked if Jonah and Zach were here but they weren't, for once.
I went up to my room and took out my math
notebook to study since I pay attention like 25% of the time when actually in class. After a

few minutes Jonah texted me
Jonah😌✌️ hey are u home rn
y/n yeah why
Jonah😌✌️ corbyn is gonna go over soon i'll be there in like half an hour
y/n k i'll be here
Jonah😌✌️ thx he'll text u when he's outside
y/n ok
I put my phone down and kept attempting to understand the math just slowly getting even more confused. Who decided to put numbers in math that's so extra.
Corbyn🥺💕 hey i'm outside can u open the door lol
y/n yeah
I got up to go downstairs and open the door for him to come in.
"Welcome back" I said and did a dramatic gesture then bowed

"What are you on" He laughed
"Stress and caffeine" I reply
"Ah I see. Sounds like a you problem" He sarcastically says.
"SoUnDs LiKe A yOu PrObLeM" I mock
"Rude" He chuckled as I closed the door
"Wait you're smart" I randomly say
"Yeah I know"
"Can you help me study for a math test I literally have negative 2 brain cells and I'm running on iced coffee right now" I ask
"I don't know, should I?"
"Yes" I smile
"Ok fine"
"Yay thanks. Just follow me I have everything up in my room" I say and start walking upstairs to my room with Corbyn following behind.
"So what am I helping you with"

"Oh dope I love doing math" He responds excited and we walk into my room
"That's weird. No one should actually like math" I say and sat on my bed to move some of the papers and notebooks to make space for him to sit next to me.
"Yeah well I do so ha" He says and sits next to me, picking up one of the papers.
"You literally have a paper with all the math formulas why are you struggling" He says picking up another paper
"Yeah I just don't know h o w or w h a t to put in the formulas" I say and grab my pencil, notebook, and study guide paper.
"Ok so for this type of problem.." He started and just explained how to do the work. For a few minutes he was doing most of the talking and the math was starting to actually make sense after all, I mean like besides the fact that

I kept getting distracted by Corbyn. I know he's with Christina but I still liked him and couldn't help but notice so many things about him. While he was talking about how to do one of the problems I spaced out and just stared at him while he kept talking.
The way the sun from the window was on his eyes made them stand out so much it's honestly the best thing to ever look at besides
his face in general. Halfway through his sentence he stopped talking because he noticed I wasn't paying attention
"Y/n?" He said waving his hand to get my attention
"Hm what"
"You kinda spaced out" He said with a cute but quiet chuckle.
"Oh yeah, sorry I just got distracted" I respond quietly being kinda embarrassed and just

looked down at the worksheet.
"By what" He asks confused but smiling. I looked up to meet his eyes before responding
"By you" I said barely even loud enough for him to hear even tho he was right next to me.
"What do you mean" He asks confused and moves to face towards me more.
"I mean.." I say and move kinda closer to him not breaking eye contact "I like you Corbyn. I have for a while now but I never thought you'd feel the same w-"
He cut me off by connecting our lips. I kissed back and he moved his hand up to my cheek deepening the kiss, moving his other to my waist. I felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest I couldn't believe what was actually happening right now. No... no this wasn't ok. I pulled away and looked at his eyes
"What about Christina aren't you guys dating?"

I asked. He let out a small chuckle
"Y/n we broke up the day we went to santa monica pier" He said and looked back at my eyes.
"What? Why"
"Because seeing you and Daniel together, it made me realize you're the one y/n. I've tried to get rid of my feelings for you by thinking of you as a little sister but it never worked. I wanna be with you and only you y/n" He said not breaking eye contact. I could tell he really meant every word he said
"Corbyn.." I say not knowing how to respond
"I love you y/n" He said and his words melting my heart.
"I love you Corbyn" I respond and he reconnects ours lips, moving all the notebooks and papers away from us he laid me down on
my bed and he hovered over me with us still

kissing. He slipped his tongue in making it even more heated than it already was. I thought I heard a noise downstairs but chose to ignore it, it was probably nothing. We
continued making out and his hands started to trail down my body to my waist. He pulled away from the kiss and moved down to my neck, sucking and biting probably leaving marks.
"Y/n! Corbyn! I'm here" Jonah shouts from downstairs after closing the front door and starting to come upstairs.
"Shit" Corbyn says and pulled away and sat up picking up the notebooks and papers we just moved. Jonah came to the door of my room.

"Uh hey" Corbyn awkwardly responds
"What are you guys doing" Jonah asks
"He's helping me with homework" I answer
"Cool. Corbyn do you wanna head down to the studio now?" Jonah asks
"Yeah I'll go down right now I'll just help her finish this last problem" Corbyn responded and smiled.
"Alright I'll be in the studio" Jonah says and walked away from the door, going downstairs to the studio in the basement.

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