chapter 8

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After a while of talking I think Jonah was starting to get along with Owen, Zach was alright with him he didn't really care, Christina approves of him because she just wanted me to be happy, and Corbyn was just acting weird and distant the whole time it was honestly getting kinda annoying but I didn't wanna say anything about it.
Y/N hey can u come over ?
Dani🍉💞 yeah i'll be there soon what's up tho
Y/N idk it's just that corbyn is being weird today
Dani🍉💞 ugh ofc he is. i'll be there in a few minutes
Y/N k i'll be here
It was just Christina Corbyn and Zach since Jonah and Tate left to go out somewhere.
"Aww corbyn look your fans already made a ship name for us" Christina says in awe
"What is it" He ask
"Cute" He responds.
"Bro what's up with you you've been acting wack all day" Zach randomly says
"It's nothing" Corbyn mumbles.
"I'll get that" I say and get up to the door knowing it was Daniel I opened the door right away. "Upstairs now, we need to talk" I say and grab his hand basically dragging him upstairs.
"I'll be back I just need to rant about
something" I say to everyone in the living room
"Ok so what exactly are talking about besides Corbyn acting like a moody teenager" Daniel says and sits on my bed. I sat next to him.
"I don't know he's just been acting weird today. Like when he saw me and Owen-"
"Who's Owen" He asks
"Oh right. So I have a boyfriend his name is Owen anyways continuing-"
"WHAT how are you gonna get a boyfriend and NOT tell me" He says and lightly hits my arm.
"I thought I already told you" I say pretending to punch him back.
"Ok well anyways continue" He said while laughing and stopping me from hitting him
"So he saw us at starbucks when he went there with Christina and he came outside to say hi and I don't know something about him just seemed off and when I introduced him to Owen, before he was my boyfriend, he seemed off. And when Jonah met him earlier Corbyn was just being cold about his responses and I don't know it's just not like him and I don't wanna say anything cuz I don't think it's something you just bring up" I explain
"When did he start acting weird" Daniel asks
"When he met Owen when we were waiting for our Uber"
"Are you sure it's not just Owen that's making him act weird?"
"No why would it" I respond confused.
Daniel gives a 'duh' look on his face "What?" I ask
"I don't know maybe it's just that he doesn't like him or maybe that he's jealous.."
"Why would he be? He's dating Christina and obviously didn't really care about how that would hurt me but I can't blame him"
"Talk to him, maybe it's something else but I think it's because of Owen" Daniel says "So when exactly did you meet this kid?" He asks
"So I had to give the new student a tour around campus and it was Owen and we got to know each other more and then he kissed me and we went to starbucks and came back here and he asked me out" I explained.
"Yeah it just seems like he doesn't like Owen" Daniel repeated. I thought about it for a while and it kinda made sense but it just didn't make sense about why he'd be jealous if he's dating Christina and is happy with her.
"I don't know I'll just try to ignore it tho" I say and get up. "I just- I don't wanna lose him over something stupid"
"You won't" Daniel says and gets up too. "I won't let that happen" He says before bringing me into a huge bear hug, slightly picking me up.
"Thanks" I quietly said while burying my head in his chest.
"For what"
"For letting me talk to you about it and just being here for me" I said and pulled away from the hug a little to look at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead
"Anytime" He said and we both pulled away from the hug to go back downstairs.
"Race you down" I say and run out the room
"Hey no fair!" He shouts and chases after me catching up right away. We both ran down the stairs and tripped on the last step making us both tumble to the ground dying of laughter. Everyone was confused but laughed, except Owen, because we fell
"I won" I says between laughs
"No I'm pretty sure I won" Daniel says between laughs too.
"Nah" I say and he gets up to help me up
"Why'd y'all take so long" Zach asks
"Just life issues that needed help" Daniel responds before me
"Yeah that" I say
"Well I gotta get home and finish unpacking I'll call you later" Owen says and starts walking to the door.
"Aw ok" I said and go to him "Bye" I say before hugging him for a few seconds then kiss him
"Bye" He smiles and leaves.

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