chapter 14

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"Well do you regret it happening?" Corbyn asks
"I don't know Corbyn. I don't wanna ruin me and Daniel's friendship he means too much to me to lose him just because I don't have feelings for him" I respond quietly
"Then just tell him that, I'm sure he'd understand" He says and puts his hand on mine "I'm here for you whenever you need advice or wanna talk about stuff like that, ok? Don't forget that" He smiled
"I know, thanks Corbyn"
"Of course, anything for you y/n" He said and smiled again
"Uh hey guys we're ready to head out" Christina says and Corbyn quickly moved his hand.

"Alright" He stood up and started to walk out with Christina so I followed behind them but stayed back. I was walking by myself for the most of the walk to the car. I couldn't get out of the same repeating thoughts.
If Daniel likes me and I don't feel the same way about him I don't want it to ruin anything. But at the same time I don't wanna stay hung up on Corbyn while he's already in a relationship with my best friend, I wouldn't wanna mess that up for either of them. Getting upset with Corbyn for dating someone is just selfish of me and I can't just hide my feelings for him forever cuz I know that won't do any good
"Hey" Daniel says, snapping me out of my

thoughts I didn't even notice him before.
"Hey" Is all I responded.
"Soo.." He said attempting to break the silence
"Are we gonna talk about what happened or..?"
"Look, Daniel, I honestly really don't know how I feel right now" I say, looking up at him.
"That's ok I know you're already going through a lot I didn't think about how this would put more pressure and stress on you when that's the last thing you need n-"
"Daniel don't make yourself feel bad. I just dont know how I feel and I don't wanna hurt you if I don't feel the same way. I wouldn't wanna lose you just because I'm still not over someone who clearly won't ever feel the same

way about me" I said slightly mumbling the last sentence.
"I'll be ok if you don't feel the same way don't worry about it. I wouldn't wanna lose you because of that either" He smiled. I stopped walking and hugged him, he stumbled back a little obviously not expecting that but still hugging back.
"Thank you for understanding Dani" I say still holding onto him.
"Of course y/n" He says and hugs back tightly before we both let go and kept walking.
I went home with the guys since it would be easier for them to drop me off since we all live nearby.
After a while of driving we finally got home. It was weird tho Corbyn wasn't really talking that

much on the way back even tho he's usually always talking, maybe he's just tired or something. I was quiet too, I tried thinking of a way of how I can tell Corbyn about how I feel without making it awkward. I figured I shouldn't have to hide my feelings forever and maybe telling him will just help or something hopefully. We all went to came to Jonah Zach and I's house since we had a lot more space for everyone to be here. Even tho it was only barely past midnight I was getting kinda sleepy. Zach and Jack sat on the same couch, Jack had his legs over Zach (#jachary).
"Anyone want any food I'm gonna grab some waffles" Daniel asks from the kitchen. I sat on the other couch next to the armrest to lean against it.

"Nah I'm good I'm probably gonna head out soon anyways" Corbyn says and sits next to me.
"Yeah I'm good too" Jonah says. We watched tv for a while and I started to feel my eyes get heavy from being tired but I was too comfortable to go up to my room.
The next morning I woke up on the couch with the sun shining in my face. It's too bright. I turned my head to the left to hide from the sun and cuddled into someone. I opened my eyes to see who it was and saw Corbyn. He looked so peaceful while sleeping with his messy blonde hair. Wait- this is probably weird to be doing because he's dating Christina but...he's just so cute. It's not that bad to do I mean nothing else happened so it's not that weird. Jack and Zach had also fallen asleep on the other couch and

Daniel and Jonah weren't down here so Jonah probably went up to his room like a normal person would. Daniel might be in the guest room. I just reached over for my phone to check the time 7:12am. I put my phone away then went back to cuddling onto him. I had my right arm wrapped under his left arm almost holding hands. I admired his face one last time noticing small, but cute details about his face from up close. I lifted my left arm to hug his arm and hid my face in the crook of his neck to not have the bright sun shining in my face, and went back to sleep.

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