chapter 10

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"Oh" She responded sounding slightly disappointed
"You and Corbyn would be way cuter anyways" Her friend said
"Yeah are you guys dating yet?" The other girl asked.
"No, I'm not dating Corbyn. Were just really good friends" I smile
"You guys should totally date"
"Yeah y'all would make such a cute couple"
"Don't feel pressured or anything tho, we just think it would be cute"
"We're not dating, and we won't be dating anytime soon"
"Aw ok" They all said and went back to talking to Jack.
"Hey are you alright?" Gabbie quietly asks, putting her hand on my shoulder. I took a second before I actually responded
"Yeah, I'm ok" I say and try to smile.
"You don't have to pretend you're ok y/n, just call me if you need anything, ok?"
"I will" I turn to face her "Thanks Gabs" I say and hug her.
"Of course" She hugged back "But I'll talk to you later Jack and I are gonna try to keep going on our walk, enjoy your date" She says and goes back to the stroller Lavender was in.
"I will, you have fun too" I say before Jack says bye then goes with Gabbie to keep walking around. I sat down on the blanket next to Owen again.
"Why are they so obsessed with you and Corbyn?" Owen asks sounding slightly annoyed
"A lot of their fans just assume me and him are dating, it's been like that for a while"
"Why can't he just say he's not dating you and is dating Christina" Owen responds still in an annoyed tone.
"Their management doesn't let them do public relationships, well except Jack because of Lavender. So he isn't really allowed to confirm or deny rumors about dating anyone" I try to say as calmly as I could, hoping it would calm him down too.
"That sounds like some lame excuse" He scoffs "Did he tell you that or did their management tell you that" He asks
"Corbyn told me, and it's the same for the other guys except Jack like I said" I repeat
"Well you're not under their management, why can't you say we're dating!? I mean calling me your 'close friend' that's the same thing you called Corbyn when they brought him up!" He raises his voice
"I don't want to be public, ok? I thought you would've already understood that by now" I quietly respond, not wanting to argue in public
"I know that I just don't know why. Why do you want to hide us" He gestures between us
"I don't want to hide us Owen, I really don't but you don't know what it's like to constantly be out in the public eye with people watching your every move, ok!? I get enough hate and shit for
being related to Jonah how do you think it'll be if I say Im dating someone while everyone is still believing me and Corbyn are together, huh!? They'll hate me even more just for dating someone n-"
"If you're gonna choose to hide behind your brother and his friends to not be open about us being public, I don't know if I want to be with you" He says, cutting me off.
"You know what Owen, I don't wanna be with you either. If your too stubborn to even hear my reasons why I don't want to be public then I don't wanna be with you" I say and stand up.
"Fine then I guess we're over" He slightly shouts
"I guess we are" I repeat, raising my voice too.
He picked up the blanket and his stuff then walked away to his car. I didn't want to break up with him, I thought it might've actually worked out. I took my phone out and texted Corbyn
Y/N hey could u pick me up from the park ? plz i don't have a ride home
Corbyn🥺💕 sure. i'll be there soon
Y/N ok thank u so much
Corbyn🥺💕 yea np
I went to sit under a tree near the parking lot. A few minutes passed so I went to the swings and sat on one since there was basically no one here. I was alone for a while and sat there staring at the ground slightly moving thinking, did I really just lose him over such a stupid pointless argument..?
Why didn't I just try to explain it better to him. Why couldn't I just say he was my boyfriend. Why do I still have to have feelings for Corbyn no matter how hard I try to get rid of them. I buried my head in my hands
"Why am I such a mess. Why am I the way I am" I mumble to myself. I heard footsteps so I looked up
"You're not a mess and you're the way you are because you're you and that's not a bad thing" Corbyn says then sits in the swing next to me, and smiled not breaking eye contact until I looked down and smiled.
"Thanks but we both know that's not true" I respond still just looking at the ground.
"No, you just don't know it's true. But I do and so does everyone else" He pauses waiting for me to say something but I don't so he continued "So what's wrong" He asks and leans his head over so he can see my face.
"Nothing" I rubbed my eye to stop a tear from falling.
"Y/n cmon I know you and I know something is wrong. Just talk to me about it, I'm here for you" He reaches his arm over and holds my hand, I looked up to look at him "Talk to me about it, please"

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