chapter 1

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Saturday afternoon, I just got out the shower. Jonah and the guys are getting back from tour today and being home alone for a while was pretty boring so I'm glad they're gonna be back. I didn't wanna overdress since I was just gonna be picking them up so I put on a red crop top with black ripped jeans and black vans. I grabbed my phone to check the time making sure I wasn't gonna be late. I grabbed my bad and put my wallet, keys, and phone in it. I kept my hair down because it looked nice since it was naturally wavy. I cleaned up my room a bit and fixed my bed before putting away my homework I had on my desk and into my backpack. I wasn't really understanding the math we were learning all the formulas are confusing me so I've just been procrastinating

on actually doing the work. I checked the time and it was almost 5 so I started to drive over to the airport. After almost an hour I finally got to LAX and was waiting for the guys. A lot of fans were nearby asking for pictures with me so I'm guessing they knew the guys were almost here.
Jonah: hey we're on our way to you we just got our stuff
Y/n: ok and btw there's already fans here waiting for y'all
Jonah: ofc see you soon y/n!
I put my phone away and got up and talked to a few fans until I heard screams, I'm guessing they're here. Everyone started recording them in less than 2 seconds. I walked through the crowds to go to Jonah. He was wearing a white long sleeve with black jeans, Jack a blue hoodie

with black sweatpants, Corbyn a nasa hoodie and black jeans, Zach a green hoodie and black sweatpants, and Daniel a black shirt and blue jeans. Jonah put his stuff down and held his arms out so I hugged him.
"I missed you, you idiot" I say jokingly after hugging him
"I missed annoying you" He jokes back
"Y/N" Jack shouted slightly scaring me
"JACK" I say and basically run into his arms making him stumble back a bit. I was closest with him out of all the guys so I missed talking to him. "I missed you bestie" I say still hugging him. "Hey you finally grew you're taller now" I say noticing he grew and inch taller.
"I know I'm pretty proud" He says and smiles proudly

"You're still short" I say and playfully punch his arm
"Yeah but you're shorter" He says back
"Yeah but short girls are cute so ha" I say and stick my tongue out at him, he does the same.
"Y/n" Corbyn says and hugs me picking me up
"PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN" I complain being scared of getting picked up by people and he puts me back on the ground.
"I missed you" He says and swings my arms with his. The fans around us said aw because they heard him, it's kinda annoying a lot of limelights think we're dating.
"I missed you more" I say and pause before continuing "Also I need you to help me with my homework again because I don't get it" I say

and smile knowing he would help
"Of course you don't" He jokes
"Rude" I say pretending to be offended. I hugged Zach quickly before a fan asked to take a picture with him.
"Daniel my giraffe boy I missed you" I say hugging him
"I missed having someone to eat watermelon with" He says hugging me back tighter.
"Oh and speaking of food can we get something to eat because I'm starving" Jack says then takes a selfie with a fan.
"Yeah me too" Jonah adds
"Me three" Zach says
"Yeah we should probably start going then cuz there's gonna be traffic" I suggest and they finish up talking to their fans so we could walk

to the car.
"So how was tour" I ask as we got to the car and put their stuff in the back.
"It was pretty fun" Jack responds
"Someone threw a condom at me" Zach says out of nowhere
"PFFT HAHAHA" I bursted out laughing "I had no idea omg" I say still laughing. Corbyn smiled at me laughing and Daniel started laughing too
"That sucks for you" Jack says
"Yeah but" He closes the back door and puts an arm around me pulling me closer to him "at least I could have one to use if I needed" He says looking at me.
"Nah you're too young for me" I say looking up at him and pat his back.

"No nope you're not fucking my little sister" Jonah says and gets in the car.
"I'm just kidding dude I wouldn't do that to you" Zach says and gets in too. All the guys knew Jonah didn't want any of them to date me or hook up with me because he was super protective. I got in the drivers seat knowing the guys were probably tired and didn't wanna drive so I did
"So where are we going" I ask
"Chipotle" Zach shouts
"And starbucks after" Jonah adds.
"K" I say and drive us to chipotle. We took like an hour to eat because we were all talking a lot and then got starbucks. All of them lived on the same street so we just went to Jonah, Zach and I's house for now.

"That food was bomb" Zach says as we walked inside.
"I'm still disappointed they were out of apple juice" Daniel says still being salty about it
"There's apple juice in the fridge" I say before jumping onto the couch. Daniel ran into the kitchen to get apple juice, excited like a kid on Christmas. Corbyn sat next to me on the couch so I turned to lay my legs over his and went on my phone.
"Comfortable?" Corbyn sarcastically asks.
"Yes, very" I say proudly smiling. Jonah looked over and sat next to Corbyn looking over at me.

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