chapter 20

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We pulled away and just looked in each other's eyes. Usually doing this makes me uncomfortable but even just by looking at Corbyn's eyes he makes me feel safe, like nothing else in the world matters.
"You wanna know something?" He randomly says and looks at the ocean, I just admired how beautiful he looked
"What?" I responded
"You know how I would always say I thought of you as a little sister to me" He said and glanced over at me
"I only said that because I always hoped it would make me lose feelings for you, but I could never get over you y/n" He said and turned around to face me "Every other person

I've been with while I've known you, could never compare to you. You're just so great and such an amazing person I don't know how I got so lucky to get the honor of being able to know you" He says with his smile slightly growing more as he continues to talk.
"Awww Corbyn" I respond not knowing what to say.
"You're the best thing in my life right now y/n and I wouldn't trade you for the world" He says and connects our lips again. "Ooh I still have one more surprise for you!" He said after pulling away.
"Aw Corbyn you're literally THE best" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"C'mon let's go I think you're really gonna like it" He says and holds my hand. We walked

back to the car and by now the sun was already down.
y/n hey i'm not coming home tonight just a heads up
Jonah🖤 okay be safe!
y/n yeah yeah i know lol
"Do you even live with anyone? I've kinda never asked before"
"Nah it's just me. Sometimes Daniel stays over but he's not tonight" He says and glanced over at me but looking back at the road.
"Soooo what are we doing" I ask trying to keep the conversation going
"It's a surprise"
"Ugh what is it with you and surprises" I chuckled
"It's more fun" He smiled. After not that long

we finally got to his house "Okay just follow me" He says while we walk inside, holding hands. "Ok be careful there's stairs here" We warns and helps me go down the stairs.
"Are we almost there? I feel like I'm being walked to my death or something" I say and laughed a little
"You trust me right?" He asks and opens a door
"Then you'll be alright" He chuckled. We finally stopped as we walked into a room
"Awwww Corbyn!!" I say smiling looking around at the whole room and how he decorated it so cute. He set up a small tent area with blankets all around with fairy lights. On the inside was a bunch of pillows, snacks, a laptop, three more blankets, and one of his

"This is so cute!" I say admiring everything he decorated.
"Yay I'm glad you like it, we're gonna have a movie night so I thought why not make it a cute set up" He said smiling and picking up the hoodie "Here and you can have this hoodie and plenty more to come" He said handing it to me
"Aw yay. I'm gonna change into it" I say and put my bag down, Corbyn grabbed out a black shirt and grey sweatpants.
"I'll go change in the bathroom" He says and walks into the other small room which I'm guessing was the bathroom. I took my shirt off and put the hoodie on, it reached a little past halfway on my thigh. I also changed into black leggings. I put my stuff away and sat down and

checked my phone, I just responded to a few messages I had from Tate and Gabbie. I heard Corbyn open the door and looked up seeing him walk back into the room while still putting on his shirt, not gonna lie him being shirtless was pretty hot.
"So what movies are we watching" I ask while he sat in the space next to me and leaned against a pillow behind him.
"Any you want" He smiled. He had a bunch of movies out so we decided to watch Disney movies. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he had his around my waist hugging me.
It was around 11 now and we were both starting to get tired, I looked up at him just to admire his face. He started smiling when he noticed and did his cute little giggle that I love.
"Aw I love when you laugh like that" I say

smiling and still looking up at him, I rested my chin on his shoulder to be closer to his face.
"I love when you smile" He said and leaned in for a kiss and pulled away to see me blushing "Aw and when you blush" He adds and kisses me again.
"I just love your existence" I replied still smiling
"I love you y/n" He said kinda catching me off guard but hearing him say it and meaning it in the same way I do makes me heart melt
"I love you even more Corbyn" I move a little to sit up and be at eye level with him.
"I love you more" He smiled and leaned in connecting our lips. His tongue grazed my bottom lip before slipping it in. He lifted his

hand up to my cheek deepening the kiss. We did that for probably a minute or two but stopped before it hit more heater, he pulled away smiling "I love you more" he repeated.
"Fine you win but only this time" I said and we continued watching the movie.
We stayed up for a few more hours and it was around 1am when I started to doze off to sleep. My eyes started to close and I was falling asleep, Corbyn had been leaning his head on mine
"Goodnight y/n I love you" He mumbled against the top of my head
"I love you" I respond and drifted to sleep smiling.

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