chapter 21

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Corbyn's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone getting a bunch of notifications. I lifted my left arm to rub my eyes to try and wake up more. I looked down and saw y/n cuddled up on me. She had her right leg over my right leg, her right arm hugging me, and her head buried in my chest with her hair in her face. I smiled just looking at her, she's so cute I love her. I reached over to grab my phone but moved as little as possible to not wake y/n. I got it and checked my notifications
Jonah Marais hey man can we talk
Corbyn yeah what's up
Jonah Marais what's up with you and y/n
Corbyn wdym ?
Jonah [post on next slide]

 I got it and checked my notifications Jonah Marais hey man can we talk Corbyn yeah what's up Jonah Marais what's up with you and y/n Corbyn wdym ?Jonah [post on next slide]

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Corbyn i'm sorry man. but yeah we are together, we just got together last night i asked her out and we had a movie night. i really hope you're not upset i just really love her and i couldn't live with myself if i didn't shoot my shot already
Jonah it's alright bro, as long as you treat her right and don't hurt her then i fully support you two
Corbyn wait actually!?
Jonah yeah of course
Corbyn thanks man! i promise you i won't ever hurt her i love her too much
Jonah i'm just happy you make her happy
I smiled reading his messages, I'm glad he's ok with us being together. I looked down at y/n and saw her move closer to me but her eyes started to kinda open so I'm guessing she was

waking up. She fully opened her eyes and looked up at me and smiled
"Hey" She said quietly and rubbed her eyes
"Good morning baby" I replied smiling and she looked down blushing and smiling "So I talked to Jonah about us" I start and she looks up looking slightly concerned "And he's ok with us being together" I smiled
"Really!?" She asks excitedly
"YAY" She shouts and rolls on top of me to hug me and kiss all over my face.
"Aww you're so cute when your excited" I said while laughing, making her blush again
y/n's pov
"I love you" I say smiling and laying on him with my chin on his chest
"I love you more"

"I love you most" I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. After a minute I pulled away and rolled back over to not be on him and reached over for my phone
"I still love you more tho" I say and open Instagram to post
"Nah I love you more" He replied and cuddle onto me and saw what I was posting
"What are you doing" He asks nervously
"Just making it clear how much I love you" I smiled and clicked post
" You know what screw management I wanna post one of those pictures too" He said and grabbed his phone scrolling through his camera roll for a picture to post

 After a minute I pulled away and rolled back over to not be on him and reached over for my phone "I still love you more tho" I say and open Instagram to post "Nah I love you more" He replied and cuddle onto me and saw what I was posting"What are ...

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"Ugh I have to go to classes today" I whine just now remembering "Can you take me home to grab my stuff" I ask "Yeah just lemme change really quick" He day and kissed my cheek before getting up to look through his clothes in his closet I changed b...

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"Ugh I have to go to classes today" I whine just now remembering "Can you take me home to grab my stuff" I ask
"Yeah just lemme change really quick" He day and kissed my cheek before getting up to look through his clothes in his closet
I changed back into my jeans from yesterday and kept his hoodie on and just brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my phone and stuff and we went to his car.
He drove me home and parked outside and waited downstairs while I grabbed my stuff from my room. I kept on the hoodie and jeans but hanged my shoes into some yellow vans I had and grabbed my backpack. I went back downstairs to see Jonah, Corbyn, Daniel, and Zach.

"Bye guys I'll see you later" I say and hug Jonah and then Zach
"Have fun at school" Jonah says, being the mom he is. Corbyn and I got in the car and he drove me to school. It only took a few minutes since traffic was light. He parked outside the building I had to go in. We both got out the car and he walked over to the side I was on, I was slightly leaning against the car
"Have a great day" He says walking directly in front of me and moved his hands to my waist before leaning in. It was a few long kisses, he slowly started to move closer in having me against the car completely filling in all the space between our bodies and lifted his hand up to my cheek while mine was tangled up in his hair deepening the kiss.

We both pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.
"I love you" He said kissing me in between every word
"I love you even more" I say doing the same as he did
"Go get to class you don't wanna be late" He leaned in to kiss again
"Fineee" I say leaning in to kiss him again "bye I love you and see you later" I smiled and started walking away
"See you later princess" He responded making me stomach full with butterflies and my heart flutter as a smile grew on my face.
I love Corbyn so much I don't know how I got so lucky to be with him, I smiled to myself

the end .

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