Halloween party!

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((Hiro's POV))

Me and the gang were talking to Tara when my phone rang.

Hiro: Hello?

Jack: hey um I'm looking for a girl if you could help me find her.... ((Note jack already found and fought, pitch just to lazy to make it into a chapter :p))

Hiro: sure what's she look like

Jack: uh we'll she-

Elsa: alright listen here Hiro she's my sister her name is Anna Summers she's a princess

Hiro: so your a queen right?

Elsa: focus moron! she wears a blue and black dress and a pink cape and she acts crazy

Hiro: okay we'll help find her

Jack/Elsa: thank you

"Hey guys jack called. He wants us to look for a princess. Her names Anna she has two braid a blue and black dress and pink cape" I told everyone. "Okay. Hey Tara kind sounds like what your wearing" Fred said. " your right. Maybe I'm secretly a princess" Tara said and laughed. He's right she does....nah not her. "I wish. Living in a castle everything done for me..." Tara kept listing things. "We'll we better get ready for the halloween party guys" I said and they all went to change.

((Anna's POV))

I put on my spider man costume and twirled around. "The snow glows white on the mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen...." I sang as I braided my hair. "A kingdom of isolation and I wish I was the queen" I giggled at how weird that sounded. "The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside couldn't keep it in heaven knows I tried...." I walked to the little balcony my new room had. "Don't let them in don't let them see be the good girl you always have to be conceal don't feel don't let them know.....we'll now they know....!" I waved my hand around making small snowflakes. ((Whaaaaaa?!?! That's right snow princess)) "let it go let it go can't hold it back anymore!" I made a snowman. I didn't even notice Fred walking in. "Let it to let it go turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say let the storm rage on the cold never bothered me anyway...." I froze the flowers next to me. "Well you know the cold kinda bothers me" Fred said and I squeaked and turned around. "Fred! Uh how long have you been standing there?!" I nervously looked at him in his...weird blue and orange monster costume. "The whole time. Nice song by the way. Where'd you learn it?" Fred asked and walked to me sitting on the edge of the balcony. "I don't know I've always just known it. Your not freaked out....?" I sat next to him. "Nah I've seen worse. I mean I breath fire" feed told me. "Cool. Wait what?!" I moved away. "It's just a flame power that comes with this costume. I don't actually have fire breath....but that would be awesome right?!" Fred almost yelled. I giggled. "Yeah, yeah it would" I agreed and go go came in. "Come on love birds party is starting" she said sitting at the door waiting in her yellow costume. ((Basically they are in their....outfits costume things)) me and Fred both moved away from each other. "Coming Go Go" me and Fred ran to the door and slid down the stairs. "Awesome party Hiro!" Me and Fred said in sync. "Thanks guys. Now come on Tadashi and Honey are waiting they have a surprise or something" Hiro said and we all walked towards the lab.

I loved you in a different life ((Janna))Where stories live. Discover now