this isn't right

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~2 years later~

Hans and Jack: Will you marry me?

Anna and Elsa: YES!

((Anna's POV))

I'm getting married! "Anna?" Elsa walked into her room. "Elsa!" I smiled and she hugged me. "I'm getting married!" we yelled in sync and gasped. Oh my heart just freakin' broke. I forced a smile. "Thats great Anna" she smiled. "That's amazing for you Elsa. I'm happy your...happy" she raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you happy Mrs. Of the southern isles?" I laughed when she mentioned my cluelessness. "It feels so wrong....All of this it's like the world flipped around....but I can't leave...I feel......trapped..." I looked up at her and she laughed. "Oh your serious? Anna your royal of course your gonna feel like that it comes with the life" she hugged me again. "I'm gonna go for a walk" I walked outside and wrote in my diary.

Dear Diary,

Can we just trade places? You have a simple freakin' life while I'm living in hell! I'd rather have someone writing on me all the time then this. Nobody not even Elsa understands this I just wish someone knew how I felt. Hans changed and he's great but I can't keep this up. Jack though his eyes his he's dating Elsa! I want love and I have it but I want love that feels right me and Hans...I just don't feel it.

I closed my diary. "Man in moon, I wish someone could show me happiness....." I whispered when I seen the moon. "I can show you fun" a boy no really hot man said. "Hello...." I giggled slightly. "I''m Hiccup...." I smiled when he said his name. "I'm Anna nice to meet you....Hiccup. So you heard me talking to the moon....?" I felt embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed i to talk to him everyone knows he's real" I smiled. Not everyone....He got an a dragon and put out his hand. "Is that a dragon....?!" I fainted~~~Ugh...."where am I?" I got up and looked down seeing only clouds. "AHHH!" i grabbed onto a guy no Hiccup. "HICCUP GET ME DOWN!!!" he pulled me in front of him. "Relax Anna....its fine" He stared deep into my eyes i think he was staring into my freaking soul. "This....this isn't right....nothing here is right....not for me..." he titled his head as i stood up. "Goodbye Hiccup...." I jumped off the dragon ignoring his screams. But nothing happened.....I was sitting in the sky. "Anna....a-are you okay?" Jack asked me. "No...Why did you stop me?" I refused to look at him. "Because I wasn't gonna lose you. Not again...I will not lose my only friend" owwwww freind zoned!

I loved you in a different life ((Janna))Where stories live. Discover now