The One Where He Gets The Guy

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Chapter 12

"Talk about what, exactly?" I asked.

"Us Harry" he said with a stern face.

I laughed to his surprise. "What us? There's no us, Zayn. There's me and there's the two of you".

Honestly it was stupid of him to ask that. I don't want to be some sideline to him. I don't want to be just another option.

"Anyways. What were you doing at the club? Was that some sort of coincidence?"

"Oh that? I followed you on your way there" Zayn got flustered as he admitted the truth.

"Wow" I said. "And you brought Liam too".

"I'm glad I did. If I didn't follow you, who knows what drunken Niall would have done to you back there" I gritted his teeth.

My mood suddenly changed. I'm mad at Niall but I'm worried because he got hurt and at the same time, I was happy Zayn came for me.

"I'm not expecting a thank you after I hurt your bestfriend. But can you atleast stop thinking about him? It's annoying" he groaned.

My face turned red. I turned away from him while crossing my arms. I sighed. I still acted like a kid seeing his crush from the very first time. Maybe, just maybe. This time, there's more to just his words.

I was in a deep thought as the wind passed by my face. My curls and locks flowing through the wind. The smell of fresh air flowing under the moonlight.

"I've already decided" he said.

My eyes widened. I looked at him as he was driving across the dark road. I couldn't believe what he just said.

"I want to be honest with myself. Particularly on who I wanna be with" Zayn stopped the car and looked at me.

I took a deep breath. It felt like I was at the edge of a cliff, a deadly situation. Either I fall from disappointment or I jump to save myself from the impact.

"Gigi right?" I turned to him. "You know, you don't have to rub it-"

"It's you Harry" he said as he interrupted me.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"It's always been you" Zayn stared at me.

I sat there motionless as we both locked our eyes together. My heart was beating triple times faster than it normally should. For once, I couldn't grasp what was happening around me.

"What about Gigi?" I asked as I managed to hold myself together.

"We're going to talk tomorrow" he responded.

"But you're already engaged to her. Why bother make this last minute decision?" I said.

"This isn't just about me and her. It's about doing what's right. Harry I can't keep on lying to myself and more so I can't keep on hurting you" Zayn sighed. "I've caused you a lot of pain already".


"What?" Zayn asked

"I'm just amazed. You actually made sense this time" I grinned.

"Eh well, it's about damn time I matured don't you think?" Zayn chuckled.

"It sure is".

Zayn started leaning on me. I closed my eyes as I drowned in his golden eyes. It seemed like eternity when I felt his soft lips on mine. The kiss started off softly and gentle. My hands traveled across his face and neck as I controlled my balance. His hands were on my waist, gently straddling them. It wasn't that long until muffled voices started to fill the car.

"Z-zayn slowdown" I said as I pulled away from the kiss.

"But Hazza it's been so long" he groaned as he stared hungrily on my lips.

"Look Zayn, we can do this all day long but first things first. You have to talk to Gigi." I spoke softly, my breath ragged from kissing.

"I will" he sighed.

"Good because I can't do this while you still have a lot going on with her. It's unfair to me and it'll be unfair to Gigi" I explained as I ruffled his hair slowly.

"Oh Harry" he chuckled. "Between the two of us, you had always been the mature one, aren't you?"

"Of course I am" I smiled at him. "Now be mature enough and drive me home. Marcel will kill me if he doesn't see me home this morning"

"What a strict manager Marcel is" Zayn said as he started the engine.

"He's more like an older brother to me" I responded.

"That makes sense" he grinned.

The car roared and we started driving under the moonlit road. Things were starting to get good for me. As we drove through quiet neighborhood, I remembered something. There was one thing left bothering me all this time. Just who in this world sent that unknown text?

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the very late update :( Our midterms is in two weeks and I was busy preparing for it that's why I wasn't able to update this story :( Don't worry I'll be updating again once midterms is over!! I hope you understand and as always thank you for reading and voting❤️❤️❤️ Lots of love always❤️❤️❤️

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