Chapter 2

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third person's pov
all of them went on their separate ways with the Soldiers following the Caporegimes. the godfather went off to his own office while Consigliere joined the Bosses to discuss about their next plan. "right now , we have to discuss how to catch this girl." Winwin said. "if her brother is a protective type of guy , we must think of a strong and stable plan to get him away from her." Taeil said.

"that goes without saying. perhaps we can get Jungwoo to drive since he's the only one who has a driving license among the three of you. then at the appropriate timing , maybe Haechan distracts Jinyoung and Mark can catch her." Doyoung suggested. "that's our guy Doyoung with all the smart plans. we'll go with that." Taeil said. "Mark , here is a bottle of Chloroform. use it on her." Winwin said passing Mark a small bottle.

"Haechan , you are to distract Jinyoung since you know him." Taeil said. "Jungwoo , here are the keys to the car in the garage." Doyoung said handing him a set of keys. "don't fail this first part of the plan. the consequences are so bad you don't even wanna know." Winwin said and the Soldiers saluted to them before leaving.

two hours later..

"that's her , right?" Jungwoo asked Mark. "right. now we just need to play the waiting game." Mark clasped his hands together leaning back to the seat of the car without taking his eyes away from her.

"how are we gonna take her away?" Haechan asked. "i actually have no idea. Mark is gonna do everything. i'm just here to drive." Jungwoo said. "and i'm here for- i don't even know. i just tag along i guess." Haechan shrugged. "you'll be my assistant. i can't possibly catch a girl on my own without getting noticed." Mark said.

when her brother was finally with her , they walked down the quiet street. Jungwoo stepped on the accelerator lightly so they were following her without losing her. Jungwoo didn't turn on the headlights so it won't be obvious that they were behind them

it was pretty dark right now so not many people were on the streets.

"right here. let's go Haechan." Mark said getting off the car with Haechan following behind. Jungwoo drove off to the end of the street to wait for them.
Mark and Haechan followed the two hiding behind walls and big poles occasionally to not get noticed.

"i'll strike now." Haechan said and Mark hid behind a wall to let Haechan do his job first. "Jinyoung?" Haechan called out making Jinyoung turn around. Chobyeol turned as well and Jinyoung smiled at the sight of Haechan.

"Haechan? didn't expect to see you at this timing." Jinyoung chuckled. "what are you two doing out here at this timing?" Haechan asked. "picked her up from her singing class. how about you?" Jinyoung asked. "i just wanted to get strawberry milk from the convenience store there." Haechan pointed at the store down the street.

"oppa , i wanna get some biscuits too." Chobyeol said. "okay , let's go." Haechan walked next to Jinyoung and the three walked down the street with Mark following behind silently. "i'll wait for you outside." Jinyoung said and Chobyeol nodded.

both Haechan and Chobyeol went into the store. Mark took this chance to go in acting like a regular customer. Jinyoung on the other hand felt like it was safe because Haechan was with Chobyeol. Mark went to the back of the store and met Haechan with his damp poisoned cloth in his hand.

Mark hid behind a shelf and Haechan called Chobyeol over so he could strike. "Chobyeol-ah , can you help me choose which milk is nicer?" Haechan asked. "nae~" Chobyeol replied and within a few seconds , she was seen standing next to Haechan. Mark striked immediately without hesitating and Chobyeol was seen struggling before she lost consciousness in Mark's arms.

"camera and cashier." Mark told Haechan before dragging her lifeless body out of the store from the back door. Haechan paid for his milk and left the store. "where's Chobyeol?" Jinyoung asked. "she told me she's coming out first." Haechan lied. "what? but she didn't!" Jinyoung said as he started panicking. "did she go home already?" Haechan asked. "no way , i didn't see her come out from there." Jinyoung said.

"there's a backdoor." Haechan said. Jinyoung charged into the store and ran straight for the back door. Haechan knew by now Jungwoo would have already drove Mark and Chobyeol away somewhere first. taking the crowbar Mark left right outside the back door , Haechan raised it up high and hit Jinyoung on his head without hesitation making him fall onto his knees.

Haechan continuously hit Jinyoung's head even though he was already unconscious because the main aim was to get him to lose him memories. this might depend on luck but if he dies , then he dies. after hitting him until he was satisfied , Haechan dragged the crowbar and went back inside the store. he smashed the security camera , shocking the cashier.

Haechan turned around and faced the cashier with a smirk. "maybe it wasn't such a good idea for you to work overtime today." he dragged his bloody crowbar and started hitting the cashier's head. he knew that for sure he needed this guy to die no matter what. he then took out his pocket knife and slit both the man's wrists before checking the whole store for cameras making sure he didn't miss any. he turned off the lights of the store and locked the store using the keys from the cashier.

when he exited through the back door , Jungwoo was already waiting down the alley. Haechan ran with the crowbar and jumped into the car. Mark had Chobyeol's head on his lap and her body across the two seats. "all clear?" Jungwoo asked and Haechan nodded.


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