Chapter 3

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third person's pov
"Boss , we have her." Taeil reported to Jaehyun. "good , put her in the room with one of the soldiers. at any moment she wakes up , let her smell chloroform once more. get the soldiers to take turns. tomorrow morning we'll set off to the US." Jaehyun said. "got it Boss." Taeil left the office and went to the mini meeting room where only the Caporegime and Soldiers can enter.

"guys , we have to put her in the room. Haechan stays inside with her. whenever she wakes up , give her Chloroform to inhale again to knock her out. you three take turns to do this." Taeil explained. "after Haechan , Jungwoo can do it." Doyoung said. "just rotate among the three of you. any mistake made , you bear the consequences." Winwin said before the Caporegimes left the room.

"let's bring her to the room." Jungwoo said before the three Soldiers got up. Mark carried Chobyeol in his arms and laid her down on the bed. "we'll go eat first. Haechan you stay." Jungwoo said and Haechan nodded. he had the cloth in his hand which smelled like chloroform , ready to attack Chobyeol when she wakes up.

on the other hand , Jaehyun was facing some issues. "what? are you for real? i got it , i'll head over tomorrow." Jaehyun hung up the phone and threw it across the room in frustration , shocking Johnny and Yuta who were in the same room. "what happened?" Johnny asked.

"i'm afraid i won't be able to follow you guys to United States tomorrow. i'll probably need like a few days before i can join you guys. my stepmother is finding trouble with me again. she borrowed money from the loanshark and i need to clear her debt." Jaehyun sighed in frustration.

"that's sad , are you sure you don't need us?" Yuta asked. "oh what they don't know is that they are messing with a guy from the Mafia Family. loansharks are nothing to us. i swear if i have a chance , i wanna disown my stepmom. she's always finding trouble." Jaehyun said.

"well the only way is to wait for your good old dad to pass on." Johnny said. truth is , Jaehyun's stepmom isn't actually married to his biological dad. she's just his mistress but his dad insists that he calls her stepmom. Jaehyun's dad was now bedridden due to an illness and is unable to give his money to his stepmom for her to spend because he was planning to give all his money to Jaehyun. as a result , his stepmom kept finding loansharks to get money from them.

"so that means Yuta will be in charge until Jaehyun comes back right?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun nodded. "any problems , i'm always available." Jaehyun said pointing to his phone making Johnny chuckle. "please , i don't think it survived that blow you did to it when you threw it across the room."

"shut up Johnny you don't know anything." Jaehyun scoffed. "oh i know , i know everything. what are you talking about , i'm the Consigliere." Johnny said and Jaehyun sighed. "this is why i was against the idea of you being the Consigliere." "well but you're glad i am the Consigliere right now , right?" Johnny asked and Jaehyun ignored his question.

in the room with Chobyeol , Haechan couldn't get his eyes off Chobyeol who was still unconscious. "if i had a sister like you , i would be protective of you too. you have the face where many guys would be attracted to you." Haechan whispered. Chobyeol started fidgeting and slowly opened her eyes , shocking Haechan. Chobyeol's eyes widened at the sight of Haechan but he quickly pressed the cloth above her nose making her inhale the Chloroform causing her to pass out immediately.

time skip~

it was time for them to leave Korea for United States and they all had their own private seats. Chobyeol was blindfolded and her limbs were tied up so she couldn't move. Mark also taped her mouth so she couldn't speak. she was on the bed that was in their jet. Yuta and Taeyong were in the same room as she was in.

 Yuta and Taeyong were in the same room as she was in

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Taeyong had his headphones on and was asleep. Yuta was facing the petrified girl who was huddling herself into the corner of the bed. he smirked as he enjoyed whatever he was looking at. he loved seeing people scared. it's a hobby of his.

"Boss , we'll take off now." Johnny said and Yuta nodded. Chobyeol started making noise as if she wanted to say something. Johnny wanted to walk to her but was stopped by Yuta. "go on , i'll deal with this." he said.

Yuta climbed onto the bed making Chobyeol freeze after sensing a presence near her. "how pitiful.." he sighed and took off the tape on her mouth. "w-who are y-you?" Chobyeol managed to asked. "me? oh you don't have to worry about it. you're safe for now." Yuta snickered. "w-why am i h-here? i-i wanna g-go home.." Chobyeol begged. Yuta was enjoying this. he loved hearing people beg for their lives. he never has a soft spot for any kind of people , which was why he's the Underboss.

"home? you won't be going there anymore. but instead , you're gonna be with us until..well , until your time is up." Yuta said. "w-what?" Chobyeol asked. "believe me , once you see where you are now , you'll probably change your thinking of wanting to go home." Yuta said. Chobyeol kept silent because she knew she don't want anything at all. she just wanna be home with her family.

Yuta got closer to her and removed her blindfold letting her see where she was. "this is our private jet. our as in me and my friends. you're in our private jet , and we're kidnapping you to heaven." Yuta told her. "heaven?" she asked. "yes , heaven. excited?" Yuta smirked. "no , i'd rather be home." Chobyeol said. "you have some strong guts there little girl." Yuta said.

"we'll be taking off soon , you just stay put here and enjoy the flight. make any sound or create any trouble and you're having your blindfold on and mouth taped up again." Yuta said before going back to his seat.

" Yuta said before going back to his seat

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Chobyeol couldn't believe it. the guy actually didn't put her blindfold and tape back on , which made her kind of relieved that he is a little kinder. she also had to be honest with herself that he is quite handsome. but she knew she wanted to go home more than anything.


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