Chapter 7

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third person's pov
Chobyeol didn't get out of her room until lunch was served by Jungwoo because she was too afraid to do so. she didn't even dare to do anything in the room as she was paranoid. who knows if they put in hidden cameras in this room just so they can see what she was doing. the thought of it made her shudder in fear.

the other guys were having fun in their own private rooms with Taeyong playing his video game as usual , getting frustrated when he loses. while the Caporegimes and Soldiers were playing , Doyoung's phone rang and he immediately got into his serious mode once he saw that it wad his boss calling. "ssh , Boss is calling." Doyoung said to the rest and picked up the call. "Bae Chobyeol's family is planning to call the cops. make sure they don't. that's your next mission for the Soldiers." Jaehyun said with a stern tone over the phone. "yes Boss." Doyoung said and waited for Jaehyun to hang up before he put his phone aside. "Jungwoo- oh wait , nevermind." Doyoung wanted to order Jungwoo but remembered he had to pick Jaehyun tomorrow.

"Boss just called to tell me that Chobyeol's family is gonna call the cops to investigate on her disappearance. he wants us to prevent it." Doyoung said. "easy , Haechan should do the job." Taeil said. "no , Mark should. Haechan's voice doesn't sound convincing." Winwin said. "hey , that's very rude." Haechan said and the others laughed. "but really though , if i was their family , Mark's voice would be more scary since Haechan's voice is a little higher." Winwin said. "okay then." Taeil agreed. "Mark , go get Chobyeol's family number from her and call them. you know what to do." Winwin said and Mark nodded.

he made his way to Chobyeol's room and opened it without knocking. he saw her sitting by her window on the chair. her legs were folded up and she rested her chin on her hand while staring out the window. she looked so tiny Mark was so distracted by that and almost forgot he was part of the Mafia Family. he shaked the thoughts about her being cute and walked to her tapping her shoulder giving her a shock since she didn't hear him coming in. "sorry , did i scare you?" Mark asked and she nodded. "sorry again. anyways , i need the number to your family." he said. "why?" she asked. "be-" Mark almost said it out. one mistake and he will be out of the family. "i just need it. don't ask so many questions." Mark gave her his cold side making her think he's not nice.

"okay." she said giving him the number to their house telephone. "thank you." he said before exiting the room. why on earth is his heart beating so quickly? he held his chest and calmed his own heart down. he know this is definitely not because of how he had to threaten her family , it's because of Chobyeol. she was shaking his heart up. he pressed the call button with the number on and waited for the phone to be answered.

"hello?" a young girl's voice was heard over the phone. Mark was flustered but managed to collect himself. "hello? are your parents home?" he asked. "eomma!" he heard the young girl call out and moments later a matured lady's voice was heard. "hello?" she answered. "is this Bae Chobyeol's mother?" Mark changed his tone. "yes! yes i'm her mother! how do you know my daughter?!" she started becoming agitated. "i know you're going to call the cops but , if you want to see your daughter alive , don't do it. she's in our hands. try calling the cops and we'll send you her limbs , her organs and her head day by day." Mark said. "no! no! please no! okay , i promise we won't call the cops! please spare my daughter! i'll give you any amount of money as long as she's safe!" her mother begged. Mark felt sad because he know he would be lying if he told her Chobyeol will return but he couldn't do anything. "we don't want money. we just need you to not call the cops." Mark said. "okay! then where's my daughter? how will i see her?" her mother asked. "you'll see her , but not very soon. i'll guarantee her safety if you cooperate. we won't hurt her. keep this to yourself. do not tell anyone else other than your husband." Mark hung up once he finished what he was suppose to do. Mark headed back to their room and told Winwin he did as he was told to. "good , we'll just wait for lunch time." Winwin said.

time skip~

Taeyong threw his game controller angrily when he finished second place. he sighed before getting up get Chobyeol for dinner. Taeyong was different. he didn't enter rooms without knocking because it's a habit of his to do so. he knocked on Chobyeol's door but she didn't say anything. and that was something Taeyong hated. no answer or replies. he was literally punching the door for her answer right now. on the other hand , Chobyeol was so scared she was hiding in the corner already on the verge of crying. she covered her ears in fear. actually , Chobyeol has a trauma of people banging on the door.

when she was much younger , she was left alone at home while her mom gave birth to her younger sister. during that time , Chobyeol was only 6 years old. Jinyoung was at school while her younger brother was brought along to the hospital. it was around afternoon so not many people were at the streets walking around. while Chobyeol was playing with her dolls in the living room , a guy's silhouette was seen outside the window walking around. he started knocking on the door but she didn't answer. "i know you're in there little girl , i have sweets for you. open the door now." said that creepy guy back then. that only made Chobyeol even more afraid to open the door. he then started banging the door in anger which made Chobyeol hide in the corner crying and praying for her parents to come home quickly.

and that was the same thing that is happening right now. Taeyong banging the door in anger because she isn't answering and Chobyeol crying in the corner due to her trauma. Taeyong's banging attracted attention from Yuta who was walking out of his room. "Boss , what are you doing?" Yuta asked. "that dumb girl isn't answering when i knocked the fucking door!" Taeyong yelled. Yuta know how much this annoyed Taeyong so he just opened the door since all nine of them don't knock on the target's door when they need them unlike Taeyong. when the two guys entered , they couldn't find Chobyeol and panicked for a moment until they heard sobbing coming from the corner. Yuta turned to his right and saw Chobyeol shaking in the corner.

his heart soften after seeing her she terrified. he walked towards her and squat down to match her level. "Chobyeol.." he lightly tapped her shoulder and she immediately pounced on him , hugging him in fear. she was still crying. Taeyong felt sorry because he knew he was the cause of this. "if you manage to calm her down , bring her to the dining area for dinner." Taeyong said and left the room. Yuta stayed in his position and let Chobyeol cry her heart out even though he was dying to know why was she so scared. his mind didn't want to hug her back but something in his heart told him to do it. he brushed her hair with his right hand and had his left hand on her lower back. Chobyeol felt a little better after feeling a sense of protection with Yuta hugging her back.


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