Chapter 4

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third person's pov
when they were finally in the air , Chobyeol couldn't help but lean to the side of the plane so she could see the beautiful outside. clouds looked so fluffy it was so tempting for her touch. she thought to herself how it would be nice if her family were here with her to enjoy this beautiful scenery.

curious of what that guy who talked to her before the plane took off was doing , she timidly looked up and saw him looking at her. she immediately looked away , heart beating super quickly. Yuta smirked at how she peeked at him. he was indeed having his eyes on her all the time.

Chobyeol turned to her right and saw that they weren't alone. there was a guy who had his headphones on and eyes closed. his side profile was , perfect. nose angled perfectly , lashes were just the right length and lips just the right shade of pink. she didn't even notice that she was staring at him.

"done staring?" Taeyong suddenly said making Chobyeol snap out of her thoughts. Yuta snickered and rolled his eyes before looking into his phone. Taeyong removed his headphones and placed them on the table infront before standing up with a frustrated sigh. he walked towards her and bent forward with his arms stretched out onto the bed vertically , supporting his upper body.

his face was inches away from Chobyeol.

"i don't like it when people stare at me. that includes you." he hissed. he got up and went back to his seat. "Boss , we can have breakfast now." Johnny said walking in. "bring the food in." Yuta said and Johnny ordered the stewardess to come in. she pushed in a cart and served the two men with plates that had different food on it.

 she pushed in a cart and served the two men with plates that had different food on it

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once the lady left , Yuta took an empty plate and picked a few of every dish. he walked to the front of the bed to take his laptop desk and opened it on top of Chobyeol's legs before placing the plate of food down. "milk or orange juice?" Yuta asked. Chobyeol didn't answer him and Yuta immediately assumed it was orange juice since he didn't like milk.

"this is your breakfast. eat." he said but stopped himself from turning around after he remembered she had her arms tied up. he got closer to her and hovered his arms around her , leaning his body closer to her with his head over her shoulder untying the rope around her wrist before pulling away from her. Chobyeol literally held her breath in when he was so close to her. her heart was probably beating at the fastest rate it ever did.

she helped herself with the appetising food infront of her and didn't even have the thoughts about escaping because she knew she won't be able to now that they were in the air. "any news from Jaehyun?" Taeyong asked. "nope , but this jet will fly right back after dropping us in US for him." Yuta said. "good , because we need him to tell her what we want. you telling her about it might not scare her enough considering how nice you've treated her." Taeyong said. "sorry boss." Yuta apologised. "it's okay , at least we have back up. in case she's a stubborn ass who won't tell us if we scare her , at least we have you who can probably get her to hand it over by talking it through nicely."

they were literally whispering among themselves so Chobyeol couldn't hear anything. and Taeyong was right , Chobyeol is indeed much more comfortable with Yuta than Taeyong.

after the meal , the stewardess came to clear everything. Yuta wasn't intending to tie Chobyeol up so he threw the rope aside which caught Taeyong's attention. "what are you doing?" Taeyong asked. "i don't think she needs to be tied up anymore , Boss." Yuta said. "this is why you are the Underboss and not the Boss Yuta. you're a little too kind." Taeyong said. "sorry Boss , i'll tie her up at this once." Yuta stood up and went straight to Chobyeol who was looking at Yuta with fear.

Yuta hovered his arms around her without hesitation and tied her up once again being super close to her. "i'm sorry , an innocent girl like you have to go through this." he whispered into her ear giving her chills down her spine.


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