Chapter 8

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third person's pov
after hearing close to no more sobbing from Chobyeol , he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her to face him. Chobyeol's face had tear stains on her cheeks and didn't look up to him. "you okay now?" he asked and she nodded. "what happened?" he asked again. she kept quiet and didn't answer him. "not comfortable to answer?" he asked but she still didn't reply. Yuta broke away from her and walked to shut the door. Chobyeol was shocked and a little scared because she was afraid she might have pissed him off.

"was it because of Taeyong?" he asked and she shaked her head , before nodding again. Yuta frowned. "specify." he said. "i have a trauma of people banging doors." she said. "trauma?" he asked and she nodded. "when i was younger , i was left alone at home when my mom went to the hospital because she was in labour. a man came to my house and started banging on the door asking me to open up. i was so terrified but i was lucky he didn't manage to break in."

Yuta felt sympathetic after hearing Chobyeol's story. now he knows what kind of trauma she has , he need to tell the members about it so they won't trigger it. "then you're not afraid of Taeyong right?" he asked and she nodded her head. "i am. he looks scary." she said and he chuckled. "he's not. he's just annoyed you didn't answer the door. trust me , he probably feels bad after seeing you cry." Yuta said standing up offering his hand to Chobyeol who gladly placed hers in. Yuta pulled her up and brought her to the dining room where all of them were waiting at.

 Yuta pulled her up and brought her to the dining room where all of them were waiting at

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"can you tell me more about this place later?" she whispered to Yuta. "sure , after dinner." she smiled before pulling a chair that was infront of Taeyong. she was gonna sit directly infront of him. after sitting her down , Yuta went over and sat next to Taeyong. infront of Yuta was an empty seat which was meant for Jaehyun , their Boss. "you alright?" Taeyong asked and Chobyeol nodded. "let's eat." Taeyong said and everyone started eating once Taeyong started. the meal was a quiet one since no one spoke up.

after dinner , Taeyong brought Yuta aside while the rest brought Chobyeol to the living room. "did you manage to find out why was she crying?" Taeyong asked. "yeah , it's partially your fault. she has a trauma of people banging on her door because when she was younger , a man was banging on her door demanding her to open the door when she was at home alone." Yuta told Taeyong. for once , Taeyong felt sorry. "oh , i didn't know about that." Taeyong said looking on the floor. Yuta realised Taeyong's change and lifted his left eyebrow. "say , you're not feeling sympathetic for her right?" Yuta teased and Taeyong punched Yuta's arm. "yah , why would i?" he said before walking to the living room.

Yuta walked to Chobyeol and tapped her shoulder making her look up. "follow me to my room." he told her and she stood up to follow him. when they were in his room , Yuta pointed to the seat infront of his bed to Chobyeol and sat on his bed. Chobyeol sat on the seat and faced Yuta. "you want to know more about this place right?" Yuta asked and she nodded eagerly. "well , this place is a place built by Taeyong's grandfather who then passed it down to Taeyong. Taeyong then started scouting us making the Mafia Family."

"are you guys rich? this place is huge and has so many beautiful furniture." Chobyeol said. "well , we weren't born rich. only Taeyong was. but we're all rich now because of the dirty work we do." Yuta said. "did you guys decorate your own room?" she asked and he nodded. "after earning our own money from all the work we do , we used it all on decorating our rooms. it was more than enough so we didn't have to worry about spending too much." Yuta said. "how nice it would be to become rich huh.." Chobyeol mumbled. "sorry?" Yuta didn't manage to hear her so she just smiled and shaked her head. "it's nothing."

after a moment of silence , Yuta broke it. "if it's okay for me to ask , can you tell me more about yourself?" he asked. "like?" Chobyeol wasn't sure what he wanted to know. "like , perhaps your family and friends?" he asked. "family? i have two brothers. one older and one younger. i also have a younger sister. i live with them together with my parents. we're not that rich but we're doing just find i guess." Chobyeol felt so down while she talked about her family. although it's only been a day since she left them , she missed them terribly. "and friends?" Yuta was trying to get information about the gangsters who passed her the USB which contained important information about his Mafia Family.

"i wasn't really an open person in school but did manage to make some friends. i have two friends , Azura and Chrysella. they were always there for me. Azura was the total opposite of me and Chrysella. both of us didn't like to mingle with anyone and preferred to be just among ourselves. Azura loved making new friends so whenever there was a party , she's definitely not missing it. one day , she came to is and told us she's in a relationship with the leader of the school bullies , Choi Junwoo. i was taken aback but congratulated her anyways since she did tell me and Chrysella her crush on him. whenever we had lunch with the school bullies because Azura always drags us with her , i can't help but feel super uncomfortable. it was almost as if i could feel a pair of eyes looking at me every five to ten seconds. that pair of eyes belonged to Choi Junwoo. i just shrugged it off because afterall , he's in a relationship with my friend. he won't hurt me."

"so is Azura still your friend?" Yuta asked and she nodded. "she is of course. i only have the two of them. losing any would affect me alot." Chobyeol said. "then are you friends with the school bullies? you said you ate with them." Yuta asked and Chobyeol shrugged. "i don't even know if we're friends. but there was this one night where they invited me and Chrysella over to their hang out spot and we started chatting alot to get to know each other better." Chobyeol was so close to telling him about the USB she received from Junwoo when she suddenly remembered Yuta was from The Mafia Family which had their target on her. so she changed the subject.

"what about you? do you have any friends?" she asked. "i do. you've already met them." Yuta smiled. "that's it? you don't have any other friends?" she asked he shaked his head. "yep , as a member of the Mafia Family we aren't allowed to have friends from the outside world. trust issues you see. one of us made a huge mistake which eventually led us to a chance of being destroyed." Yuta said remembering how Johnny was friends with Junwoo because of their parents which eventually led to Junwoo backstabbing Johnny by collecting evidences of them doing their Mafia work. "destroyed? The Mafia Family can be destroyed?" Chobyeol asked and Yuta just smiled at her. "everything has a beginning , and also an end. how the end comes? by destroying."


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