Chapter 10

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third person's pov
Chobyeol looked around the huge room she was brought into. "this is the Boss's room?" she asked herself in awe.

 "this is the Boss's room?" she asked herself in awe

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"yes it is baby girl." Jaehyun said entering the room , shocking Chobyeol. she immediately looked down on the floor , afraid of him. Jaehyun could sense her fear for him and smirked. "have a seat , we need to have a little chat." Jaehyun said. he wasn't looking at her though. it was the locket around her neck he was looking at.

Chobyeol was hesitant to sit down but Jaehyun insisted she sat so she obeyed. "i'm pretty sure you know who i am and what's my rank in this family. the guys should have told you so." Jaehyun said and Chobyeol didn't answer. "now , tell me more about yourself." Jaehyun said crossing his right leg over his left his eyes still glue to her locket. Chobyeol wasn't noticing any of these because she didn't have the courage to look up at him. "if you brought- no , kidnapped me here , you should know me very well." Chobyeol blurted out. she was shocked herself for saying that because those were her thoughts. she said it out loud.

"some guts you have there honey." Jaehyun said getting up standing infront of Chobyeol who was still taken aback by her words. "get up." Jaehyun said. "what?" she asked. "i don't repeat my words." Jaehyun said walking towards the bed. "on the bed. now." he said. "no..i'm going anywhere but the bed." she said. "sure? follow me." Jaehyun grabbed her wrist and dragged her into his private room.

he didn't have gaming consoles , just a comfy looking sofa and a huge television

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he didn't have gaming consoles , just a comfy looking sofa and a huge television. Jaehyun threw Chobyeol roughly onto the sofa and pinned her down making her struggling look weak. "what are you doing?!" Chobyeol screamed. "i'm doing something a Boss can. no point screaming , no one can hear you." Jaehyun said. he wasn't planning to sleep with her , he was only planning to take the locket around her neck by force. taking out a long thick ribbon from his pocket , he tied her wrists together and connected the ribbon to the lamp. now that her hands were not free , she used her leg to kick around earning a smack on her right thigh from Jaehyun. "STOP MOVING!" he yelled making her freeze in fear. removing his tie , he blind folded her and went close to her ear. "stay still or i'll punish you." he whispered sending shivers down her spine.

his hands slowly brushed her hair away from her face and slid down to her neck , lining her collarbone with his fingers. "p-please..s-stop.." she begged. Jaehyun ignored all that and licked his lips with his eyes on the locket. he reached for the back of her neck trying to find the hook of the necklace to remove it from her neck but couldn't do so because it was binded with a lock , not a hook. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP! PLEASE! DON'T TOUCH THE NECKLACE PLEASE!" Chobyeol panicked after realising that Jaehyun was trying to remove her necklace. "how the fuck..?" he mumbled.

"Boss , are you in there?" Yuta's voice was heard with the knocking of the door. "fuck this. fuck you." Jaehyun said getting away from Chobyeol. he opened the door and saw Yuta outside. "and what the fuck do you want?" Jaehyun asked Yuta. "did you see Chobyeol?" Yuta asked even though he could clearly see her. "with me. i'm trying to do my job. fuck off." Jaehyun said. from his response , Yuta knew Jaehyun is angry. and knowing how he treated the past female victims , Yuta's motive was to get Chobyeol out of there. he didn't want Jaehyun to make his first move on her.

"if you're trying to get the necklace , leave the job to me." Yuta whispered to Jaehyun. he turned around and looked at Chobyeol who was shaking in fear. "fine." Jaehyun said. Yuta barged in and ran to Chobyeol. "it's okay , it's me." he removed the tie around her head. Chobyeol's eyes started tearing. she was so relieved to see Yuta instead of Jaehyun. Yuta quickly untied her wrists and lifted her out of the room.

"you okay to come to my room? or you'd prefer to be in yours?" Yuta asked hoping she would say his room since her room was filled with cameras for Taeyong. Chobyeol was about to say her name when she remembered anyone can enter her room. whereas if she went into Yuta's room , no one can. "y-you're room.." she said softly. Yuta took her into his room without wasting any time and placed her down on his bed. he saw how red her wrists were from the ropes that were tied tightly. "does it hurt?" Yuta asked her pointing to her wrist and she shaked her head. he touched it gently and she winced in pain. "and you said it didn't hurt." Yuta sighed. he took out his phone and called Mark to bring in some ointment.

"he didn't hurt you anywhere else right?" Yuta asked and she shaked her head. "what did he do?" he asked. "he threw me on the sofa and..tied my wrists.." Chobyeol was choking as she felt a lump in her throat recalling how she almost got raped. "'s okay , it's over now. i'm here." Yuta shushed her , bringing her into his embrace giving her a sense of security.


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