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i keep on falling by Hunter Roberson^

"I'm not surprised that I always seem to catch you both in this situation."

Opening my eyes, I adjusted to the light that was coming through the window. I look around until I saw Casey standing in the living room with her arms crossed.

I sighed then closed my eyes, trying to get more sleep if that was even possible. I wasn't in the best position at the moment but there was no way in hell that I was waking Jordan up.

"Alexis," I groan then look over at Casey. "can we talk?"

Shaking my head, I shut my eyes. "I'm tired. Come back another week or something."

"I'm serious, Alexis."

"Why?" I whine. I open my eyes to look at her. "I can't move." I motion toward Jordan. "If you haven't seen that or not."

She nods. "Oh, I saw it. But I don't care. You've managed before, so you can do it again." She nods her head towards the kitchen. "Come on."

After she walks out, I was debating if I should just try to sleep more but decided against it since she'll be back in here any minute.

I slowly grab ahold of Jordan, moving her aside so I can slide off the couch and stand. After I managed to do that without waking her up, I smiled then leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Casey leaning against the counter while she was looking through her phone.

I walk to the coffee and start making it before turning around and looking at her. "What's up?"

She sat her phone down and crossed her arms. "I just want to talk, so if this triggers you in a way then I'm sorry." I stared at her, waiting for her to continue. "I'm not complaining about you being here but don't you have an apartment? Why aren't you there?"

Standing there, I stared at her for a moment until I averted my eyes away to the floor. "I just want to be here." I watch as she stares at me, trying to figure me out. "Does it bother you?"

"I just told you- ugh, no. I was just asking. I mean, you have your own place, so you being over here all the time makes no sense. But, look.. I'm not complaining about it, ok? Just asking questions."

I nodded then turned around to make me a cup of coffee. I poured me a cup, added the sugar then went to the fridge to grab the milk. After I added everything, I placed the milk back in the fridge then stirred the coffee.

Turning around and facing Casey, I saw her watching me as I took a sip. "You're another Jordan." She slightly smiles. "I do recall you saying how you hate coffee."

"I never hated it." I said. "Just wasn't a fan of it."

She smiles. "How many cups do you have a day? Bet you don't reach Jordan, huh?"

"Possibly." I shrugged. "On a good day, I have about five cups. Other days, I have about eight or nine."

"What the hell?" She stares at me. "That's not-"

I nodded. "I know, but I don't care. It's like a drug."

She sighs. "Jordan says the same thing."

At that, I smile. Taking another sip of the coffee, it was unexplainable about how it makes me feel and now I know, after all these years, why Jordan needed it.

"What's your plans for today?"

I shrugged as I stared at her. "Not sure, why?"

She watched me for a moment. "Thought we could go somewhere and talk like I wanted us to. Is that ok?"

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