Chapter 1

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Hope You like it! I'm new to this so I'm not really sure what to say... Vote? anyways.. enjoy

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"Fifteen more minutes till we get there!" squealed Crystal.

"OMG really? I'm going to die from excitement." I said sarcastically. Why did she have to drag me along to this dumb concert? Geez I know we're best friends and all but I rather get run over by a truck then to hear thousands of other girls go crazy for five guys. Five good looking guys who can sing...big deal.

"Oh Bethany stop being such a party pooper. You're sucking the joy out of this room." She reached over from the passenger seat and started pinching my cheeks with her perfectly manicured fingers.

"Correction, car. And stop pinching me or I'll swear I'll go full wolf on you." I tried swatted her hand off but alas she held a tight grip.

"We both know you can't." She giggled. When she saw my serious face she finally let go of my aching cheeks. Her, along with my other friends from my pack already found their pairs a while ago. Since they found their pair, they marked and unlocked their "inner wolf". In all my 18 years of living, I've never heard my "inner wolf" speak to me. I think it has to do with the fact that my mate doesn't exist...

"Too far?" she smiled sheepishly.

"Yah, too far. You don't have to rub it in that you met Jace already," I sighed.

"I'm just lucky I guess," she smiles, kissing Jace, her mate, on the cheek. He was driving us to this dumb concert that he won for her on a radio contest.

I roll my eyes in disgust."Gross! Stop kissing him unless you wanna crash."

"Cheer up Beth, who knows you might even meet a hottie tonight." She started wiggling her thin eyebrows, making me chuckle.

"I doubt that-" before I can finish I was interrupted by Crystal's high pitch screech.

"OMG! OMG! We're here! Beth we're here!"

"Ok, ok stop jumping and lets get this over with." I open the door, expecting to breath the summer air, but instead get slapped with a strong floral odor. Humans wouldn't smell anything but I on the other hand was slightly tearing up. How much perfume do these Tweens need?

Giving Jace one last kiss-more like snog- Crystal closes the car door and skipped to my side. Walking inside didn't help my nose feel any better. The smell was so intoxicating that I had to cover my nose with both hands and breath through my mouth the whole way to our seats. But Crystal didn't seem to mind the stench as she was smiling from ear to ear.

Crystal takes our tickets out from her giant purse and starts leading the way. "Seat 14,15, ah here we are 16 and 17!"

"Whoa we're right in front of them." The black marble stage wasn't even 2 feet away from us.

"I know right! I'm so lucky to have Jace!" she grinned.

"More like lucky that he loves you enough to stay up all night-" I was interrupted from her sudden fit of giggles.

"Um, what's so funny?" I asked confused.

Wiping and imaginary tear she says,"You said up all night! One of their songs and album is called up all night! That's hilarious!"

Shaking my head, I turn around and start walking away. "You're such a loser."

"What? Its funny! Where are you going?" She asks trying to catch up to me.

"The bathroom. Don't wait up!" I say waving her off.

Liam Payne is my Mate (AU)Where stories live. Discover now