The One Cage Fight That Went Wrong

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Authors note. Not all characters (from class 1-A and else) will be in this. I have nothing against them, they just weren't needed for the story.

It was about lunch time. Making sure his sister was safe in his room, door securely locked, Izuku quietly made his way to the kitchen. No noise was the key. The house was dead silent, and Izuku didn't have a clue to his dads whereabouts, or whether or not his mom had a 'client' home with her. Some of the other members could've been there too.

Izuku grabbed some sandwich supplies, and headed back for his room, bumping hard into the dining room table right before the stairs. Izuku froze, but the damage had been done.

"Why the hell are you making so much ruckus?" Izuku's father, Hisashi, calmly asked, sitting up from the couch.

Izuku could tell he had just woken him from how his hair was messed up, and probably had a bad hangover from the previous night. Izuku still had blood on him from that, and shivered at the thought.

"I'm, I'm sorry," he instantly quivered, hoping to get to his room quickly.

"Sorry isn't going to FUCKING CUT IT!" Hisashi yells out, making Izuku jump, and fall backwards, shaking.

Hisashi grabbed one of the bottles still laying in front of him, and smashed it onto Izuku's head. Izuku gave out a helpless cry from the pain, and grabbed his head, trying to brush off some of the glass.

"You sound just like that fucking whore," Hisashi spat, grabbing Izuku's shirt collar and yanking him upwards, so he couldn't breathe.

Izuku grabbed Hisashi's arms, trying to get him to let go, kicking out his legs in a panic. Izuku's legs made contact with something, and with a screech, Izuku was violently thrown across the room, where he landed against the wall, and groaned in pain, gasping for breathe.

Jumping up, Izuku grabbed the food supplies that were scattered across the room, and ran upstairs while his father shouted curses. Izuku quickly knocked on the door two times to let Eri know to open it.

When Izuku saw her face, tears dripping down it in fear, he shoved the food into the room. "Lock the door," Izuku demanded, "now".

Izuku stayed at the door protectively while his father clambered up the steps, until he heard the click from his lock. Taking in a relived breathe that his sister was safe and fed, Izuku braced himself for the oncoming beating and yelling. He knew it wouldn't be pretty.


Izuku woke up in the bathroom, in dirty, muddy-red bath water. With a sigh, he re-rinsed himself, and checked the mirror.

Izuku wasn't looking good, covered in scars, and littered with bruises and burns. His left eye was swollen, and he had a busted lip. Izuku's hair was sticky with the blood he couldn't get out, and he had visible choke marks all along his neck. Glass shards were still visible too, and his nose was covered in dry blood, leaking down to his chin. Izuku's back was black, blue and red, and he had multiple stab wounds on his feet.

Izuku's whole body burned. When he went to move to the door, his feet gave out, and with a cry, Izuku crumpled to the floor. Pushing himself back up, while tears pooled at his eyes, Izuku made his way back upstairs, slowly, but surely.

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