The Pain of Survival

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The rest of the bus ride 'home' was silent after Todoroki's explosion. Todoroki didn't stop glaring once, even as the woman apologized and introduced herself as Midnight, a part time staff.

Todoroki only looked away when they arrived so he could help Izuku off the bus. By then, Izuku had all the color drained from his face, and he swayed dangerously, even with Shinso and Todoroki on either side. His ears rang, and his forehead was sticky with sweat. Both boys noticed immediately.

"Are you okay?" Shinso whispered, when the staff had gone inside.

To their surprise, Izuku opened his mouth as if to respond, right before grabbing his side in a moment of extreme pain, taking his hand away and accidentally showing Shinso and Todoroki it was blood soaked, before promptly collapsing into a heap on the ground.



Todoroki had an irritating day. First, their was school without Izuku after he had that panic attack, and then Midnight with her fucking words. Now, because this was the day he was having apparently, Izuku had to collapse again.

Shinso ran inside to grab a staff, while Todoroki cradled Izuku to his chest protectively. Aizawa and Midnight came running back, so Todoroki assumed Mic stayed behind to keep an eye on the others or maybe to call someone.

"What happened?" Aizawa demanded, but Midnight was the one to reach down to Izuku, and instantly Todoroki smacked her hand away with a glare.

"Back up," he hissed, holding Izuku even tighter.

"Todoroki, we need to access Midoriya," Aizawa tried to reason. "We need you to let him go."

Todoroki shook his head. "No."

"Todoroki-," Aizawa warned, stepping forward.

"Go away. I'll handle it."

Two arms gently wrapped around Todoroki, quickly prying him off of Izuku as he froze in shock, fear filling his face. When he realized what Mic had done he started to fight, squirming and kicking, desperate to get back to the unconscious boy.

"Todoroki, take a breathe," Mic ordered, gently forcing him away from the scene, Shinso following him reluctantly from Aizawa's orders.

"No! You need to let me go back!" Todoroki tried, trying to yank himself free.

Mic got him inside and wrestled him into the gym, locking the door with the three of them inside.

Shinso looked at him, and Mic finally released Todoroki, allowing him to glare at the staff viciously. "What are we doing here?" Shinso muttered, flinching back as soon as the question left his lips.

"You're getting some of your feelings out," Mic explained. "I'm here to supervise 'cause I don't think you two should be left alone right now."

"That's stupid. I'm not going to exercise while Midoriya is-,"

"Midoriya is being taken care of. You two need to focus on yourselves too," Mic interrupted.

Shinso could see in his eyes he wasn't going to give this up. He sighed in defeat, and Todoroki turned his glare on him as if knowing what he was thinking. "Fine. We'll go along with your fucking plan. But afterwards, we get to see Izuku. Deal?"

Mic nodded and Todoroki rolled his eyes. "Deal."


Eri was tired. She had been wandering for what felt like an entirety know. She didn't know how long it's actually been. Her whole body ached as she forced herself to go on. Her feet were bruised and bloodied from all the walking, since she was barefoot and it made her frown deepen. Izuku would be sad she was hurting, but she couldn't stop. She had to keep moving. Because somebody was following her.

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