Captured... Rescued?

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While Izuku was roughly pulled inside the building, he could've sworn he saw a camera snap,- which was strictly forbidden.

Izuku knew the rules inside out. Hell, Izuku had them beat into him. If you were caught with any phones or cameras, you would be kicked out of them, and probably killed by whoever you took a picture of. It was a pretty big deal.

Izuku shook his head, and kept following Hisashi to the sign-up table. It had to have been his imagination. No way someone would be that stupid.

Izuku stood still while he was evaluated by some judges. "Your good to go. Your match fifteen," one of the judges said, passing us through.

Hisashi nodded, and took Izuku to the waiting area, followed by Stain, while the others went to make their bets.

Izuku's only lost outside of the ring. Never inside. He wasn't allowed. All it would take is one time, one loss, and Hisashi would kill Eri. So Izuku has trained and trained, until he was completely unbeatable by his fighting group. Hell, Izuku could even beat some of the League members if he tried.

Not that he was allowed to, of course.

A while passed, and Izuku saw the scarred boy pass by them again. He wanted to say something, and could tell the red and white haired boy wanted to as well, but neither did. Not with their parents right there at least.

Izuku checked the boards. Three matches to go. About twenty minutes depending on how well or bad the matches would go, Izuku decided, as he watched the current fighters get flung backwards by a third person.

A couple more minutes passed, when a scrawny kid with purple hair was also dragged through the room. Literally dragged. On a collar. Izuku winced in sympathy, and instantly felt at his own neck. He knew the feeling. Izuku has worn collars before,- they were not fun.

Finally, match fifteen was called, and Izuku followed the guards to the ring. He watched as Stain and Hisashi got front row seats, before fully turning his attention to the match.

Izuku couldn't see his opponents yet, but he had the feeling it would be three or four people he was fighting based on how many people were here tonight. That was okay. He's fought worse odds.

As the match bell rang, signaling the fight was beginning, and Izuku was pushed into the ring, he finally got a good look at the other three fighters. His prediction was spot on.

On the right side of Izuku was the scarred boy from earlier. On the left side was the purple haired boy, who's collar had been removed, but he now had duck tape wrapped tightly around his mouth. Across from them was just a guard, probably put there to try and make things more interesting.

Izuku went for the guard first, not wanting to fight the other boys quite yet. Unfortunately, it's also what the scarred boy was thinking, so the two both slammed into the guard at the same time, allowing the guard to safely jump back, and the two to be facing each other head on.

The scarred boy grinned, and Izuku felt a flash of jealousy that he quickly pushed down. The scarred boy swung, but Izuku ducked beneath it, instead swinging his foot out to trip him. It worked perfectly, and the scarred boy fell, so Izuku turned his attention back towards the guard, ducking under his swing as he attempted to throw Izuku off balance as well.

From the corner of his eyes, Izuku saw the purple haired boy slinking towards them, using the shadows to hide, probably hoping to surprise them. Izuku knew it wouldn't work on him, but didn't know about the other boy. Izuku slammed his full body into the guard, knocking him off balance, then kneed him twice in the face, easily blooding it. The guard kicked Izuku back, and the scarred boy jumped in, punching him in the back of the head. The guard spun around again, but was too slow to dodge Izuku's kick towards his shins.

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