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Izuku was still sitting on the couch, watching the others play their video games.

A loud yell from Mic was heard throughout the building from speakers, "FIELD TRIP! EVERYONE MEET OUTSIDE IN FRONT OF THE BUSES!"

Izuku heard some running and door slams, but didn't bother move. They'd probably leave him anyways. Izuku wondered how long it would take before people stopped noticing him completely. At what point would he be able to die without causing a commotion?

A hand on his shoulder caused Izuku to jump, then instincts kicked in, and he grabbed the hand, flipping the person over so they crashed into the ground, hard.

"Oof!" Uraraka groaned, sitting up.

Izuku felt a flash of guilt, but didn't do anything.

"Sorry," Uraraka laughed, "Guess I shouldn't have scared you like that, didn't mean too!"
Izuku didn't move, and Uraraka drowned to herself. "Come on," she said, giving the boy slight nudges, "we're leaving".

Izuku followed behind Uraraka, leaving his crutches. He didn't need them anyways. Uraraka noticed, but didn't say anything, figuring he was probably fine if he was leaving them.

"Your late," Aizawa sighed, when the two finally got on the bus.

Izuku sat in front of Katsuki, next to Shinsou. A familiar face. He wondered what he would be doing right now if Eri was alive.

"Izuku!" A voice snapped, and a hand grabbed his shoulder, once again causing Izuku to flip the person over, this time it being Katsuki into Shinsou.

Both boys groaned, and everyone else stared. Izuku still didn't make a move to apologize.

"You can get your cast off tomorow. It wasn't that bad a break," Aizawa sighed, tired of this problem child.

With a jolt, the bus started, and not another word was said of the incident after Katsuki spent another five minutes cussing.


When the bus pulled up to the place, it was a big building, full of storage units.

"Uh, Mr. Aizawa, why are we here?" Jirou asked.

"Katsuki has something he needs, then we're going to the hospital to finish up Izuku's 'scratches', and then we're going out for lunch".

Everyone nodded, cool with that answer. They watched as Katsuki and Kirishima ran inside, followed by Mic.

Aizawa leaned back, and closed his eyes, deciding to take a nap.

"Hey Izuku, why don't you communicate with anyone?" Tsuyu asked. Everyone looked at her, and she shrugged. "Worth a shot".

Izuku didn't care. They could ask as many questions as they wanted,- it wouldn't change anything. But, but while the teacher was asleep, and Katsuki wasn't here to stop him, could he try again? Izuku decided it was worth a shot, so slowly picking up his hands, he signed. Kill me.

Todoroki and Shinsou blinked in surprise. They had both been able to read it, and were honestly surprised he was still trying.

Momo and Uraraka could also understand it, and both were really hoping they had read it wrong.

"Was that sign?" Mina asked, "what'd he say?"

"Um, well," Shinsou didn't really want to repeat that, so Izuku repeated the sign one more time. Kill me.

"Kill me," Uraraka spoke, dread sinking into her stomach.

Todoroki and Shinsou nodded in confirmation.

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