Done Deal

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Izuku staggered with the audience, pushing his way to the stage.

He peered around the people who were dancing and screaming to the music. The special affects rocked, distracting the guards long enough for Izuku to slip backstage where he couldn't stand another second. Izuku collapsed to the ground in a heap as he watched the show from there, listening to Jiro's voice, watching Katsuki slam down on the drums, Kaminari whizzing away on the keyboard, Todoroki dancing on the stage. He could see Shinso, Sero and Iida above the stage on the catwalk, swinging around with special affects that were insane.

In slow motion, Todoroki spun around during the twist part, his eyes landed on Izuku's crumpled body in complete shock and horror. He twisted back around to continue the dance but Izuku could basically see his urge to run to him and forget the whole thing.

As it ended, the second the curtains were shut Todoroki had already been at Izuku's side, kneeling next to him as he cursed.

"Izuku- what the actual fuck have you done, do you know how worried I was? What did you-," Izuku tuned out the lecture with a sly smile and turned his head to the side.

"IZUKU!" His classmates screamed as they caught sight of him. In surprise and worry.

"I'm alive!" He teased, seeing the tears filling a few of their eyes. "And ima purple boi!"

Todoroki would've smacked him in the back of his head if it wasn't so bloody.

Aizawa went backstage to see what was taking so long only to freeze in shock, mouth wide open.

Izuku rolled his eyes then winced from the pain that caused him. "You'd think you've never seen a purple boy before," he wheezed.

Todoroki really wanted to strangle him right about now.


Aizawa had been carefully carrying Izuku back to UA when he'd stopped him with a tug on his sleeve and puppy dog eyes. Aizawa already knew he was gonna regret this. "What?"

Izuku wordlessly pointed at a candy apple. "For... Eri..." he choked out before coughing out blood.

Aizawa shushed him instantly and just for sake of keeping him from talking, he bought a candy apple and kept walking.

Izuku shook his head. "Give... Eri... Now!" He hissed before heaving up more blood.

Aizawa gave a long sigh. "Fine. I'll call Mirio."

Mirio had been exploring the fair with an uncaring Eri besides him. She wanted to go home, keep an eye on the road for when Izuku's return. Why couldn't she? Why'd she have to be at that stupid fair?

When Mirio got the call and started coaxing Eri to the entrance, she had frozen in disbelief at the sight. A... purple boy? No- Izuku!

With a squeal she flung herself at him, giving Aizawa a mini heart attack as she threw her arms around Izuku and squeezed tightly, Izuku squeezing back with a forced smile that turned into a grimace of pain the second she stopped looking. It burned so badly but Izuku refused to let out even a whimper. Eri would not know how much pain he was in. Never.

"I... love you," he choked out, as Mirio gently peeled Eri off of him before Aizawa really did have a heart attack.

Izuku snatched the candy apple from Aizawa before he could protest and passed it to Eri happily.

"Candy... apple..." Izuku wondered if signing would be less painful then this. He tried to testily lift his hands and instantly let them drop and go limp.  Nope.

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