Batshit Crazy

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A grin overtook Eri's face. "That's so sweet!" She squealed. "If it makes you and Izu happy!"

Todoroki bowed deeply. "You won't regret it," he promised.


The time came for Todoroki's plan, he crept up to Izuku's room the same way as last time, receiving a grumble from Katsuki as he accidentally woke him up in the process.

"Hey, wake up!" Todoroki prodded Izuku once only which was enough for him to shoot upwards with his fists out and ready. "Sorry."

Izuku slumped in relief when he saw Todoroki. "What?" He hissed back.

"I need you to follow me." Todoroki waited until Izuku had slipped on some shoes before making his way towards the balcony.

They had recently cleared all boards from it, so it had gotten a lot easier to sneak out. Izuku slipped in behind Todoroki as they climbed down and took off running down the road.

It was supposed to be All Mights turn to do night shift, but All Might hadn't returned since him and Izuku's argument so Midnight had covered. Todoroki hated her.

"Where are we doing?" Izuku mused once they had made good distance from UA.

"You know where," Todoroki smiled. "We need to talk somewhere private."

"And a bar is private?"

"It's not UA."

Izuku shrugged. "Touché."

Getting into the bar still hadn't been any trouble at all. Once in, they were blasted by the loud music and swaying of other people. Todoroki led Izuku to a corner and smacked his hand away before he could grab an abandoned drink.

"Listen first, drink later."

"Mkay!" Izuku turned to Todoroki, making him blush as his wide innocent face peered up at him.

Todoroki grabbed the drink from the table and downed it in one go before continuing. Just for a bit of confidence. Izuku pouted at his actions but before he could complain Todoroki spoke up.

"I like you," he blurted out. "Like love. Would you go out with me?" Todoroki clenched his eyes shut and turned away as he waited anxiously for Izuku's answer.

Izuku felt stunned only for a second before a sly grin overtook his face and Izuku pulled Todoroki in and kissed him.

Now it was Todoroki's turn to be stunned before snapping to his senses and melting into the kiss, kissing back as hard as he could. The world felt like it had been lit on fire, but in the good way this time. Todoroki knew nothing could ruin this moment.

"Everybody freeze!" A voice yelled, waving a gun around.

Izuku was in too much bliss to recognize Shigaraki's scratchy voice as he reluctantly pulled apart from Todoroki, wide and giddy smile on his face.

The audience started to cheer.

"Wha- everyone on the ground!" Shigaraki tried again.

More cheering.

This time, the gun went off which only prompted more whistling and loud clapping.

What kind of fucked up club did they think this was?


Shinso let Kaminari lead him to his room, giggling the entire time. The two slipped onto the balcony before Kaminari burst into muffled giggles at his own sneakiness. Shinso waited for him to contain himself before continuing.

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