What the Fuck

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Katsuki could only stare at the green haired boy as he inched to the end of the balcony. Katsuki saw he already had a broken arm and his foot was wrapped up, along with having his whole head in bandages, and being badly bruised in other places. What had happened to this boy?

It didn't matter. Izuku had taken a deep breathe, about to jump again, and Katsuki acted. He raced forward, grabbing the boy at the exact second he jumped, nearly flinging himself over the balcony as well.

Last second Katsuki caught his foot in the ledge, causing them both to jerk to a stop. Katsuki wanted to cuss, but was too busy gritting his teeth, and trying to keep up the boy, which was admittedly easier than he had originally thought. The boy was light.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, and swung, throwing the boy back over the ledge. Katsuki watched as he rolled, but landed against his bed with a soft thud, and didn't move.

Katsuki used his foot to bang on the window below him. Three times, as hard as possible, before he had to stop from fear of falling.

The window was thrown open, and Mina tiredly peeked his head out. "Who's there?"

Mina gave a yell of surprise when he saw Katsuki hanging there.

"Help me the fuck down!" Katsuki growled, already exhausted from his earlier workout.

Mina did, backing away from the window so Katsuki could swing himself into his room. Katsuki hit the ground and rolled, stopping at the door, where he jumped up with a grunt, and raced back upstairs, Mina right behind him.

Katsuki slammed the new boys door back open, only to see the boy hadn't moved an inch, and was still laying on the ground, clutching his head. Mina saw he was crying.

"What the fuck were you doing?!" Katsuki yelled, and Mina looked from him to the boy in confusion.

Katsuki sat down with a sigh when the boy didn't respond. "Mina, go get Aizawa. Now".

Mina realized Katsuki had used her real name, so decided it must be serious, and raced downstairs. She used the stairs to go faster, and nearly broke down Aizawa and Mics room door slamming on it.

They opened it nearly immediately, and looked at Mina in shock.

"What's wrong?" Mic asked, but Mina was so out of breathe, she just pointed up the stairs. "New... boy," she huffed, "Katsuki".

Mic and Aizawa looked at each other before racing back up the stairs, leaving Mina to slowly but surely follow behind.

They ran up to Izuku's room, and saw Izuku on the ground, crying, and Katsuki moving furniture to block the balcony's entrance off.

Aizawa realized what had happened, and mentally screamed. "I'm an idiot!" He muttered. "I didn't realize this was the boy. I thought it was Todoroki".

Mic looked at him, but didn't force an explanation, instead focusing on the boys in front of him. "Katsuki, what happened? Leave out nothing".

After Katsuki had explained everything, all eyes, including Mina's who had finally made it, turned back towards Izuku, who had still refused to move except to curl into a ball.

Izuku couldn't do it. It was like a curse that was following him around. He wanted to, but it's like the entire world was against him. Izuku really was useless for anything.

"All right. Katsuki go to sleep. Mina, go to your room. Kirishima's fine, and you know your not supposed to be in other kids rooms after lights out," Aizawa tiredly ordered.

Mina and Katsuki opened their mouths to argue, but took one more look at the boy on the floor, and decided they had enough to deal with, so reluctantly left.

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