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Eri sat on Mirio's couch. It had been a few weeks since she'd been at his apartment as he started his search on Izuku. At the moment he was making Eri some soba to eat and it was just the two of them.

"Eri, I got something for you," Mirio hesitantly started, passing her a box as they sat down to eat.

Eri looked at him curiously before slowly opening the box. She'd never gotten a present from anyone other then Izuku before. Wasn't it a sibling thing? Mirio wasn't her sibling?

Inside were a pair of pink things she had seen on other people's feet, including Izuku's. "Uh, what is it?" Her soft voice wondered.

Mirio looked at her sadly. "Shoes. Want me to help you put them on?"

Eri was suspicious. "What do they do?"

"They protect your feet so you can run around without getting hurt," Mirio explained.

"But running is supposed to hurt?"

"No, running is not supposed to hurt. You're supposed to wear shoes."

"How do shoes keep running from hurting?" Eri asked, still suspicious.

"Well, they have pads at the bottom so it's kind of like walking on a pillow, but you're still running," Mirio tried.

Eri had learned their were different types of pillows earlier that week when Mirio had given her a personal, very fluffy one. Much better then her firm uncomfortable ones at home.

With the help of Mirio, Eri slid the shoes on. They fit perfectly. Mirio gave Eri his hand while she stood up and instantly started to wobble.

"Woah," she breathed in awe. Hesitantly, Eri took a step while clinging tight to Mirio's hand.

It took a bit of wobbling and effort before she was able to walk normally, but once she did she was amazed.

"I can't wait to show Izuku!"


It had been a few weeks since the attack. Everyone was fully healed thanks to new technology, and had since returned to school only that week. Everyone refused to utter a word about the incident. Now that it'd been a bit, Aizawa needed to have a talk with Todoroki.

Finding Todoroki wasn't hard at all, he just went to where Izuku normally was. The couch. Aizawa silently slunk into the room. "Todoroki. Can we talk?"

Todoroki raised an eyebrow at him and gestured to Izuku who was leaning against him with his eyes half closed. "No."

Aizawa sighed. "I wasn't asking."

Todoroki opened his mouth to argue, but Aizawa quickly interrupted.

"Don't make me restrain you."

Todoroki slumped in defeat and carefully slipped out from under Izuku, following Aizawa as they headed to his office.

"What do we need to talk about?" Todoroki stood in front of the desk next to the chair as Aizawa sat across from him.


"No," he countered. "Now what was so important you had to interrupt me for?"

Aizawa decided not to point out he hadn't interrupted shit because Todoroki hadn't been doing shit. "I need you to tell me about your past."

Todoroki gave a sharp bark of laugh. "No."

Aizawa was getting really tired of hearing that word. "You can not be released from this facility- not that your any close to be released, mind you- until you share why your past with us."

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