Chapter 5.

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What on Earth is Moody's problem? He doesn't know me. He doesn't know my father. Or my mother. Hell, we're from a completely different country. How would he know anything about my family? I continued to storm down the hall on the way back to the Gryffindor common room, I was done with his class. I spoke the password to the lady at the door and placed myself on the couch in front of the fire, my books sprawled on the floor next to me. The warm flames gave me some comfort.

"Lucy?" The door closed not far behind me, and I knew that voice.

"Harry?" I pulled my legs against my chest wrapping my arms around them. He made his way to the cushion next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I sighed and pursed my lips together.

"I guess, I can't really complain about not actually knowing one of my parents can I? I should be grateful for the one I have." I looked up at him, he gave me a small smile and looked back at the fire.

"Having both is important. But not everyone gets so lucky." I didn't know much about Harry or his past, only what I've heard from people. He pulled his gaze away from the fire and watched me. "Tell me what happened back in the classroom?" I cringed and shook my head.

"I honestly don't know a lot about my mother. She walked out years ago. Dad doesn't talk about her, so I only have small memories of her. Like, when they argued, the screaming matches... her light brown hair and honey eyes. Then her walking out the door." I began calming down as the words left my lips, "I don't care what he said about my mom, Moody, of course. What made me so angry is that a man, that's in a completely different country, seems to know way more about my mom than me. Then had the audacity to say that information in front of the whole class, Harry!" I exclaimed waving my hands around in frustration, "and he knows my father? How is my father connected to a dark wizard hunter? Or previous! Whatever he is. How many people here know my father? Or my mom? It makes no sense." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. I watched the flames catch onto another piece of wood.

"Have you asked your father about your mom?"

"Yes, and he shuts me down. Or changes the subject. So I've given up." I frowned. I feel like I have no right to talk about my family problems to Harry. For him, he doesn't have parents.

"You know, maybe you could ask Professor Moody." He tilted his head watching the portrait above the fire place, I watched the glare of the flames dance in his eyes.

"Maybe... Maybe, I did just storm out of his class." I started laughing, "oh, and so did you? Huh." I dropped my jaw in shock, he grinned and sat up placing his elbows on his knees.

"I think the class was kind of over, anyway." He chuckled.

"Well, you know," I leaned in towards him on the seat, "if Moody's considering detention for us right now, I'm pretty sure I can get us out of it." I flipped my hair over my shoulder in sarcastic confidence.

"Really? And how do you expect to do that? Something tells me Moody does not have a soft spot." Harry laughed with me, I waved my hand with reassurance.

"Trust me. I'll come up with something. We've got this." It was true. I'd figure something out. I watched Harry continue to laugh and rise from the seat, he pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose and looked down at me.

"So, I believe that if we walk around the entire opposite side of the castle we can make it to our next class in time. Unless you think we should apologize to Moody now?" He asked sarcastically, I shook my head and quickly stood to grab my books.

"Absolutely not. I said I'd figure it out, that time is not now." I laughed loudly and headed towards the door, as I twisted the knob I turned around. "Also... thanks for checking up on me. And risking getting attention with me." I laughed lightly, his smile fell away as he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried, he smirked and leaned forward placing his hand over mine on the handle, my heart leaped at the touch.

"Let's hangout." He said sternly without moving.

"We hangout everyday?" I questioned him chuckling lightly, he shook his head in disagreement.

"No. Let's hangout without Ron and Hermione," My heart jumped once again, "Just you and I." I started at him for a moment.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Okay." He leaned closer to pull the door open, his face almost touching mine. He smirked and walked in front of me. "Let's go. We have a long walk." He joked. Then we headed on our desperate attempt to avoid Moody, and my mood had completely lightened up because of Harry.

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