Chapter 31.

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Lucy's POV

Harry continued to visit me everyday after school, and it meant the world to me. I think he's forgiven me, and with the stunt I pulled I'm extremely lucky to have been given a second chance. I love him. I've loved him for months now but I wasn't sure he felt the same way, he's assured me he does... and I'm feeling things I have never felt before in my life. While I lie in this bed nearly broken, my heart isn't, and that seems to be all I can focus on.

Dumbledore and a few others from the faculty have visited me the next day after they heard I was awake, I was questioned about what happened to me. I still had no answers. They thoroughly examined my wounds while I was asleep and did confirm that I was attacked by someone, but who? We don't know. All I know is that whoever it was, they wanted me dead. Hearing from Harry that I was held in his arms bleeding out and dying, terrifies me. Because of my stupid actions to go into the forest I nearly killed myself, unintentionally of course, but the forest was completely off limits. I should have known better. But I can't help but wonder who followed me, what enemies do I have that want me dead?

I have so many questions that will remain unanswered, I didn't see my attacker and no one is actually going to come forth with such an action. And inside I can feel fear has crept into me, I'm scared to be alone, at all, I don't want to be alone in the dormitory, I don't want to be alone in the library, I don't want to be alone anywhere. Harry has managed to persuade Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall to sleep in a chair by my side at night, because that is how afraid I am of being alone.

I can't move on my own very well yet so Harry sometimes sleeps in the bed right next to mine in the infirmary, I need him as close as possible, I'm scared that whoever hurt me could possibly come back and finish the job they didn't get to. I've never felt this way, I've never been so scared of people or the world. Now I am. Nothing scared me more than when I woke and I was told that I should be dead. But Harry found me, and he saved my life. He held me in the pouring rain, freezing cold, his body kept my freezing one warm. If I had spent no more than a few more hours out there I would have left this world. But in a way that I haven't told Harry, is that I think I did almost leave for awhile. The week that I was asleep it was like I was trapped in my own version of heaven, Harry's voice and confession of his love is the only thing that pulled me back.

"Okay. So I believe that you might... be ready to return back to your dorm and classes," Madam Pomfrey stood in front of my bed frame and clapped her hands together, Harry studied her face as he was holding my hand tightly, "but it isn't going to be easy. You're going to need someone to carry your books with you, one of the girls in your dorm might have to help you get dressed, shower, all that stuff, because your ribs are still broken, Lucy. You're going to be in a lot of pain." She nodded pursing her lips together, I sighed as I was beginning to think about how hard all this will be to do on my own, I am going to need help. "I'm going to give you a bottle for your pain, you'll take it as needed, your breathing is going to continue being a little rough, but in about another week or two you should be able to start breathing properly. You should be okay in a couple of weeks, the bruising... will take awhile to go away, and your eye has already swelled down almost completely which I'm happy about." Madam Pomfrey nodded and handed the pill bottle to Harry, he sighed and put it in a pocket of his robe and glanced at me. I nodded at him for permission to touch me, I was ready to get out of the infirmary. I climbed out of bed and stood up holding onto Harry, I closed my eyes as the stinging of my ribs washed over me all over again.

"Are you okay?" He asked placing his hands on my hips, holding me still, I kept my eyes shut and nodded slowly.

"I will be." I smiled slightly looking back up at his green eyes, he watched me with a sympathetic look. As we began walking out of the room slowly I turned to Madam Pomfrey who was changing the sheets on another bed.

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