Chapter 23.

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After lunch passed I made my way to the library, reciting what I was going to say to Cedric. I had an idea of what I was going to say and brought the letter he wrote with me. As I opened the door I made my way to the table he's usually at, checking near the windowsill he sits as well making sure he was at the table. As I went around the corner and made my way down a few aisles, I was trying to prepare myself for this. I held the letter in my right hand and walked outside of the last aisle, turning to face the table he was at. He was there, but not alone.

Cho Chang was sitting next to him and he had his arm around her chair as he casually spoke to her. She giggled obnoxiously at whatever he whispered to in her ear and she playfully pushed his chest. Cedric smirked at her and continued to flirt.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I actually cannot believe this. He writes me, confesses his feelings for me and hopes to speak to me today, as he is expecting me to leave Harry, hoping, I will. He has his arm around another girl. Not just any girl either, Cho Chang. I gripped the letter and crumbled the bottom of it with my hand as I crushed it into my palm. The sound of the letter I involuntarily crushed drew a few students attention towards me as I made a disruption, I watched Cedric turn and make eye contact with me. I held his gaze, I felt angry, pissed off actually. He looked down at my hand that was holding his letter and rose from his chair making his way towards me.

I stormed down the aisles trying to make my way to the door, I don't want to speak to him. I have made an ass of myself for coming here, I don't know what I was thinking. Nothing needs to be said. What he said wasn't even true, according to what I just saw.

"Lucy! Please! Just wait." He said from behind me, I sighed as my blood was beginning to boil and kept walking. "Stop! Please, stop." He said finally reaching me, he followed my pace at my side. I shook my head and brought my gaze to the door. I finally reached it. As I brought my hand to the doorknob he grabbed my wrist and pulled it away, I gave him an angry glance.

"What, Cedric? What could you possibly have to say?" I hissed at him, he watched me and pulled the wrist he still hadn't let go down an empty aisle. I pulled my wrist slightly, trying to inform him that I didn't want to talk, that I wanted him to let me go. He refused to listen to my actions and continued pulling me to the end.

"Please, listen to me." He turned to face me as we stood next to the windowsill together.

"I'm not sure why I would do that." I said sharply, sadness washed over his expressions and he looked to the ground.

"Why are you so angry? Lucy, you didn't write me. At all, I wrote that letter days before break then I left it there for you to find the day before I left for Christmas." He said finally removing his grip from my wrist, I pulled my arms to my chest and studied his face.

"I didn't get to read it till yesterday. Hermione accidentally swiped the letter and didn't give it to me until yesterday. I read it. I'm not angry, entirely..." I sighed pulling my gaze towards the lamp behind him, I didn't want to look at him right now. I'm frustrated, embarrassed, by coming here I've made myself look stupid. I should've thrown the letter away. "You know... yes, I am angry, I'm pissed off, Cedric." I said looking him in the eyes finally, "You wrote me admitting you have feelings for me, you wanted to talk to me today, which is fine, I came. I was actually thinking today that you didn't do anything wrong, you're allowed express how you feel. So I came here to hear you out, figure out where your heads at. Instead, I find you flirting with Cho, which is fine, I don't care. But do not..." I said pointing a finger at him and raising a brow, "do not, write the shit you did and expect me to not be mad when I find you throwing yourself at another girl, but yet... expect me to come here and say yes, that I want you. You asked me to leave Harry, Cedric." I closed my eyes trying to calm down, once I opened them his face has softened. I leaned back against the desk behind me and shook my head in disbelief.

"What I wrote in that letter was true, if you're thinking I lied about my feelings for you, you are wrong."

"Then what was that?" I asked gesturing to Cho's way, he sighed and placed his hands on the desk.

"Well, you didn't write me Lucy. I didn't hear from you, I had assumed you received the letter and you read it. If I had known Hermione had it and you never received it I wouldn't have spoken to Cho at all, I would have waited to see you today." He said with a calm tone, I sighed and frowned.

"So you are talking to Cho, aren't you?" I asked, he nodded and bit his inner cheek.

"She came to me right before I left... and we've been writing each other over break. I'm not dating her, Lucy." He said seriously, I still had my arms folded and I was still angry.

"Well, I came. I'm here. What do you want from me? Or have you changed your mind because of her?" The spitefulness in my voice was more than I wanted to let on, but I'm especially angry that it's Cho. She went to the dance with Harry, and Harry liked her. Now my date, Cedric is here with her, and he likes her too. She must be something quite special, or she has a thing for anyone I've ever expressed interest in. Which really makes me mad. I don't know why it does, but Cho Chang makes my blood boil at this point.

"I haven't changed my mind, Lucy. I meant what I wrote..." He pulled away from the table to stand in front of me, I looked up at him with my guard still up, Cedric gently pulled the letter from my hand and made me unfold my arms. He stared down at the letter and smiled gently. "Why did you come? If you read it... why are you here? Are you not with Harry anymore?" He asked curiously.

"Harry and I aren't dating, he hasn't asked me yet." I admitted. I don't know why he hasn't asked me yet... my mind went to him touching me today, should I shut that down entirely until we are together? I don't want things to go farther, me give myself to him at some point... if I'm not even his, or if he is mine.

"Why aren't you dating? Why hasn't he asked you?"

"I.. I don't know. He just hasn't." I said as I was beginning to feel sad.

"Lucy, I would make you mine," Cedric said leaning closer to my face, "if you told me right now, that you wanted me too I would make you mine right here and right now. I would leave this library and never speak to Cho again. And I would worship the ground you walk on Lucy, I would give you the world, I want to give you the world, if you'd let me." He said raising his hand to my cheek, I grabbed his hand ready to pull it away, but I couldn't.

"Cedric... I can't... you know this." I said closing my eyes and pulling his hand away finally.

"Then tell me this, do you still like me? Anywhere in there, is there any part of you that still has feelings for me?" He asked leaning into me again, I looked at him and covered my face with my hands, turning around. Do I still have feelings for him? Of course. I never stopped. But I'm in love with Harry, I think... I'm pretty sure of myself.

"Cedric... I can't do this." I said covering my eyes. I could feel my eyes beginning to fill with water, why am I crying? I pulled my hands away and wiped the tear that had fallen, he couldn't see me still as I faced the bookshelf. I wiped my eyes as best as I could because I had mascara on, I couldn't look like a mess when I still had two more classes. With Harry, too.

"Yes or no, Lucy. It's simple. Yes or no? Please...?" I felt his hand press into the middle of back and the other on my shoulder as he tried turning me around. I sniffled and pulled myself together, turning around to look back up at him.

"Don't cry..." He said wiping another tear that involuntarily fell, I shook my head and turned away to look at anything but his close face right now.

"I still care for you, Cedric." I said quickly walking away from him down the aisle, "I can't do this right now." I said as another tear fell, and opened the door leaving the library. Forgetting Cedric grabbed my letter from me, and he still had it.

Authors note:
Short chapter! I'm sorry! I'll update the next tomorrow. ❤️

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