Chapter 20.

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Authors note:
I know that Harry doesn't figure out the clue to the egg until sometime in January! But I had them discover that sooner rather than later, because I thought the characters experiencing a nice Christmas together would be nice, so it's been a few weeks since the bathtub scene! So spoiler! This is an almost Christmas chapter :) Enjoy! Xoxo.

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"What a relief! Exams are finally over!" I yelled tossing my books onto my mattress, Hermione groaned and tossed hers onto her bed as well. I was filled with excitement, I had survived my first semester at Hogwarts. Next, was shopping for Christmas presents. I began stripping from my robes and put on a pair of skinny jeans, I've never worn a pair let alone owned one until my dad sent some clothes as an early Christmas present, which for a growing girl, there was no such thing as too many clothes. I studied my plain tan bra in the mirror, maybe it's time I upgraded my undergarments if I was going to keep doing... whatever I'm doing with Harry.

I glanced at Hermione in the mirror watching her organize her school books into her suitcase that she was still planning on reading even though it's break. Hermione was going home for Christmas, while I received a letter from my father along with my early Christmas presents explaining something about how the Ministry was going to need to keep him there over break. I was upset that I was going to have to wait till spring to visit him, but work comes first.

Plus, Harry explained to me his relationship with his Uncle, Aunt and cousin. The No-Maj's seem entirely unpleasant. On the bright side, I was going to get to spend an endless amount of time with Harry, and even Christmas with him, and nothing excites me more.

"Since we're all leaving tomorrow to go home, I was wondering if you were wanting to go present shopping today?" Hermione asked as she began to change into regular clothes as well, I nodded and grabbed Harry's grey pullover from my suitcase and slid it on.

"Yes! I have to buy a few presents for a couple of people." I said to her as I tied my hair back into a loose bun, leaving a few strands hanging down by the sides of my face. I've noticed that since I've been seeing Harry I really have cared about my appearance, I try to make sure my hair is done everyday and I've been experimenting with makeup more everyday as well. With having such large light brown eyes, eyeliner and mascara really make my eyes pop, and Lavender spent some time teaching me how to do a brown and black Smokey eye.

I watched myself in the mirror one last time. I was beginning to become more comfortable and confident in my skin. Harry adores every inch of my body, and he makes sure I know this. He'll hold my hands away from my body and look me in the eye, "You don't ever have to hide yourself from me. You're beautiful." When I try to hide parts of myself, the way he holds me and kisses me, the way he touches me, leaving me always wanting more of him. I moved the collar of his pullover and viewed the hickey he left on my neck from a few nights ago, it was fading finally. I laughed lightly to myself while pulling the collar back over it. Hermione hasn't let me hear the end of it since I came back that night with soaking wet hair and a giant purple welt on my neck. I turned away from the mirror and sat back onto my bed to tie my boots on, once I was done I waited patiently for Hermione and we headed downstairs.

Neville was sitting in the armchair to the right and Seamus was sitting next to Harry on the sofa, I smiled and snuck up behind Harry, wrapping my arms around his neck and nibbling on his ear. He let out a shocked yelp making me giggle, he then let his head fall back onto the back of the sofa to stare up at me.

"Hi, there." I smiled brushing his hair out of his face, his scar appearing itself to me. He smiled back and pulled me in for a kiss, I licked his lips and then licked his cheek playfully.

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