Chapter 9.

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"Do you like this one?" Hermione asked as she twirled around in a blue dress, the seams at the bottom were already coming off. She put her hands on her hips and sighed, "Never mind. Not this one. On to the next!" She said deep toned and pointing her hand to the rack of dresses, acting as her hand was a sword. She rummaged through the rack for quite sometime and pulled out three dresses and placed them on the stool next to me, trying each on. I told Hermione that Cedric Diggory asked me at lunch when we were going to sleep that night. The same night she informed me she was going with another all star champion as well, Viktor Krum. She put on the green dress in the pile and had me zip her up, once we separated she looked into the mirror and covered her face in embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh! I look like a princess! Take it off! Take it off!" Her laughing tears began to flow as I unzipped her, she threw the dress in the corner in complete disgust and picked the pink one up. It had gorgeous ruffles on the bottom and on the shoulders. Her eyes were bulging out of her head, and so were mine.

"Should I run around and scream "she said yes to the dress?"" I laughed leaning onto my left arm, I was sitting on these comfortable lay out sofas behind her. She threw her hands in the air in excitement and squealed.

"I've said yes to the dress!" She yelled. I held my gut from laughing too hard, she turned around and looked at me in a rush, then wiggled out of her dress and was back in her bra and underwear. She ran to the clothing rack and held up a deep blue dress for me to see.

"You're putting this on. It has this diamond on the back that I absolutely adore." She placed the hanger on the rack near the mirror and I started undressing, once I was done I slid the blue dress on and pulled the straps over my shoulders. I tilted my head and twirled in it, it looks odd.

"Take the bra off. That should do it." She said prepared to zip me up from behind, I slid the straps down and yanked the bra out from underneath me. I moved around in the mirror a few times to see the way my body filled the material, this looks amazing. It was an open back all the way down to my back dimples, and the front was down to my feet, around my breast area it had a v shape down and the straps were two fingers thick. Hermione turned me to face her and she grabbed my long brown hair and tightened it into a loose bun, leaving a few strands hanging down near my face. Then she placed the diamond around my neck, it dropped a small one down the center of my chest and a long one down my back, an inch away from the end of the open back.

"If you don't say yes to this dress, I will rip whatever you're wearing off at the ball and humiliate you." She scowled, I started laughing while looking at myself in the mirror. I ran my fingers over the diamond, still in complete awe.

"It's not too long? Right? I mean, we took those dance lessons in Mcgonagall's, but I'm still scared I'm going to trip over my own feet." I said scared, she ran around the dressing room cleaning up the mess we've made.

"I seriously doubt that. Plus, Cedric wouldn't let that happen." She smiled while throwing the dresses into a bin.

Cedric. I don't know how I forgot about him. Is he going to like this? After all, I'm trying to impress him. My mind began wandering off to Harry again. Who could he be going with? Do I want to know? Does he know I'm going? I'm sure Hermione has told them. Do I want to know? Does it even matter? It doesn't. This is Cedric and I's time. I can't ruin the ball by thinking about Harry the whole time. I've got to get over this. The more I think about it, what is there to get over? We weren't anything. He hasn't kissed me, held my hand or anything, just simple flirting and talking. What am I talking about? It's not always about touch. That's just a bonus. It's the way he makes you feel, and Harry always had a way to make me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Stop. Stop thinking about the boy that's doing everything possible to avoid you. Maybe it's supposed to be like this. I picture God pointing to Harry and holding up a bright neon saying "stop". I escape out of the dress and the diamond and put it back into the bag, I decide to leave my hair up. Once I thought we were done Hermione had dragged me to the shoe section and grabbed heels, her's were silver and mine were black, and also not too tall. We weren't trying to tower over our dates, but I don't think that's exactly possible now that I think about it, Krum and Cedric were both very tall. They were also "men" though, in another year they'll be graduates. As we made our way towards the door a girl from Slytherin named Pansy Parkinson and her angry group of followers were in the way, Hermione made quick eye contact with me, her eyes filling with insecurity. We said nothing to the girls and kept our eyes to the ground making our way around them.

"Shut up. They'll hear us." A girl giggled, I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on the door handle, "wouldn't be so bad if they did though, right?" The girl said to Pansy and the others, "I bet their dresses are dirt cheap and look like absolute garbage." Pansy said loudly to them, making her followers gasp for air with laughter. I turned around and faced Pansy.

"You know what's funny about jealousy?" I asked her, she gave me an angry gaze, "is that those that are consumed by it are swallowed by it and then spat back out like the nasty "garbage" they are." The girls gasped at my words, I started digging my nails into my palm, "jealousy isn't a good look for you, so let it go and try something else, Pansy." I said my final words and walked out the door, leaving Pansy in utter shock. The stiff has finally spoken up.

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