Chapter 35.

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Lucy's POV

"Come on, Lucy! It's really good. I promise." Hermione sat on my lap wrapping her arm around my neck, pressing the liquor bottle to my lips. I finally caved in to the constant peer pressure from her, Lavender and Parvarti. I tilted my head back, allowing the drink to flow down my throat, the strong sensation of burn making its way down, setting my throat and chest on fire.

I cringed and began coughing uncontrollably at the sour, yet sweet taste of the vodka.

"Good, right?" The white around Hermione's dark eyes had turned a deep veiny red from the amount of shots she's taken from the drink, I wouldn't even call them shots, she's been chugging straight from the bottle. I nodded and gave her a "mhm" as I reached out for the cup of water on my nightstand, swallowing as much as I could to clear up the holes in my throat the alcohol probably had caused.

That was disgusting.

Hermione kisses my cheek playfully as her eyes closed, "I told you. It tastes like pink." She smiled sliding off of my lap and crawling back onto her bed. She handed the large bottle back to Lavender, who gladly accepted and started chugging. Where did she even get this bottle from? Any alcohol within the school is completely forbidden. Yet, here I am drinking my night away with an enormous red bottle.

"Yeah... it was great!" I tried my best to look okay, but I was still coughing and trying to find a chaser. The water wasn't cutting it anymore. I think that's what you're supposed to do with liquor, you take a shot, then you swallow something non alcoholic so you don't have the awful lingering taste of what you're drinking in your mouth. The last time I've drank anything remotely close to alcohol was last night with Hermione and Parvarti at The Three Broomsticks, and my first trip to Hogsmeade with Harry months ago.

"I have more!" Lavender flipped her hair in the priss like way she always does as she opened her suitcase, she had hidden three more bottles under her clothing, and a few more smaller bottles in another pocket of the bag. She tossed over another red bottle that was oddly shaped, I grabbed it quickly before it could hit the floor and examined the name.

"Watermelon Pucker?"  This actually sounds delicious. I pulled the cap off and took a whiff of the beverage, it didn't smell like half the stuff they've shoved in my face tonight that made me nearly throw up. I raised the bottle to my lips and let it flow down my throat, the sweet taste began making me drool inside my mouth. I swallowed a few large gulps and pulled it away from my lips, smacking them together satisfied.

"I think I'm a little out of it." Parvarti pointed her finger up as one of her eyes closed, she stared at us completely impaired. I let out an obnoxious laugh as everyone followed. I wasn't as far gone as the rest of them, but watching them slowly fall down the hill was becoming exceptionally hilarious.

I volunteered to play "Mother" tonight while they let themselves loose. Well, I didn't volunteer. They all just began drinking excessive amounts with clearly no intention to stop, so I took it upon myself to be their Alcohol Spirit Guide to make sure no one gets hurt or does anything stupid.

But with the way I've been drinking from their general peer pressure, Mother was leaving the room.

I was quite surprised when I learned Hermione didn't say no to a drink. She is usually the most responsible out of all of us, but even the responsible need a break sometimes.

Hermione sat up from her bed and tapped the bottle in her hand with her index finger with a beat, she glanced at me and grabbed the smaller bottles on my bed that Lavender had put down. She held the smaller one up to my face in demand that I drink it.

"I can't, Hermione. Someone needs to stay sober in case someone gets hurt, or decides to go on a marathon run in the castle like she did twenty minutes ago." I pointed to Lavender. The girl has been drinking for hours now, before any of us started and she is absolutely smashed. She decided that she didn't want to sit in the dormitory, it was becoming "boring", so I chased her down the stairs all the way to the common room and persuaded her to come back up.

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