Chapter 34.

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Lucy's POV

"Hermione? What are you doing today?" I asked as I sat on my bed holding Tiny Kitty, I was grateful Hermione took some weight off of Harry and gladly took care of her while I was away. I missed her dearly.

"Gosh, what even is today?" She asked pinching her nose and closing her eyes thinking deeply, she clapped her hands as she remembered, "Friday! Um, today? Nothing. What about you? Are you seeing Harry?" She asked as she began cleaning up her side of the room, I don't know what she was doing this week but she was very scattered brained and her belongings were everywhere. She would pull a book out and not put it away, she would pull a clothing item out and toss it when she decided it wasn't what she wanted to wear right then and there. I smiled at her as she stubbed her toe on the bed frame and cursed in the air.

"I'm not seeing Harry today. Ron is upset that I take all of Harry's time and says he never sees him anymore." I tried to fight a hilarious grin I was holding as I rubbed Tiny Kitty's chin.

"I never see him anymore either because of you, hell, I never see you anymore." She said making a face at me as she pulled the tie from her neck and tossed it into her suitcase, "done for the week." She said tossing her robes in there and slamming the lid shut with her foot, she stood in her bra and underwear and looked back up at me with folded arms to her chest.

"Okay. I'll go." She grinned, I laughed and tilted my head at her.

"I didn't even ask you a anything yet." I giggled at her mischievous grin.

"I know you. You want to hangout with me today because you don't have Harry, which is fine I guess, I miss you too." She shifted her weight onto one hip and held the same sassy grin, I rolled my eyes and placed my cat on the bed as I got up. "Plus, I never go out and this week has been truly awful. So let's go." She added and grabbed the pants off the floor, sliding them over her hips.

"I'm serious, I miss you. Harry making time for Ron made me realize that there is a fine balance between my friends and him, and his side of the scale is a lot heavier... so I'm trying to even things out." I said as I leaned on her wooden frame, she finally dropped her grin and smiled at me.

"Okay... I miss you too!" She said pulling me into a hug, I laughed into her hair as I held her tightly, her wild curls engulfing my face and nose. I spat pulling away as a few loose strands went into my mouth.

"Oh, yeah! A shirt." She said walking to her wardrobe and pulling a striped pink jumper out, the lines on it white. I ran my finger down her arm as she pulled it over.

"Oh, I like this." I said in a daze. I spun around and glanced at my luggage hatching an idea. "Let's go shopping. Then we'll go to The Three Broomsticks after." I slid my thumbs into the back pockets of my jeans nodding towards her, she nodded in agreement, her eyes flickering towards the door as Parvarti waltzed in. She waved at us awkwardly as her hands were full of her textbooks, she dropped them onto the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad this week is over." Parvarti rolled her head back onto her shoulders throwing her hands in the air, Hermione scoffed and slid her wand into the back of jeans.

"I know right?" Hermione said in agreement. I held my hands out with a confused face.

"Did I miss something big this week? Or..." I trailed off confused and laughing to myself, they shook their heads and groaned together.

"Ready?" Hermione asked already walking towards the door, I nodded and followed her.

"Oh! Um, wait!" Parvarti stopped us before we pushed the door open, I raised a brow at her curiously. She glanced all over the room rubbing her hands together nervously, she finally found her words, "do you think... I could come? I just heard you guys while I'm we walking up the stairs... I don't ever go out." She asked unsure, I furrowed my eyebrows at her and back to Hermione. Hermione shrugged and gave me the 'it's your decision' look. Hermione and I never really hangout with Parvarti, honestly, I don't know much about her at all. I know that she's friends with Lavender Brown, our other roommate, they're best friends. And while I don't hate Lavender, I'm not particularly fond of her all the time. I caved in at the idea of hanging out with Parvarti within seconds, she seems sweet and I don't see how this could hurt.

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