Chapter 38.

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Lucy's POV

Twenty minutes before the Champions were to enter the maze, I met up with Harry and wished him the best of luck. He explained to me that shortly after I left his dormitory he met up with Hermione and Ron to go to Hagrid's.

They found Barty Crouch dead in the woods.

The topic was discussed between the faculty members and with Cornelius Fudge that the Triwizard Champion game should be cancelled, including my attack in the woods and with the grown mans death... something wasn't right, something was going on and it was right under their noses, they knew it too.

Fudge refused to cancel the games, said that even if he wanted to, which he doesn't, he can't. It's set in stone that the last trial must go forth. The games must continue and come to an end.

There has to be a winner.

"Snape pulled me into his ingredients closet and accused me of stealing ingredients that are used to brew a poly juice potion." Harry also mentioned to me. I believed Harry when he said that he hasn't touched anything in his closet.

Some suspicious things are brewing around here and I can't pin point what is it, or who it might be. The dead body, my attacker, and now someone's walking around the school as another.

Who could it be? What is happening at Hogwarts?

I placed myself next to Hermione and Ron in the crowd waiting for the cannon to go off and for the game to start. This is it. This is the final round. I pray that everyone comes out okay, it's better to be a loser than to be dead.

The crowd continued yelling and going wild until Professor Dumbledore stood at the stand to make a speech, he held his wand to his throat and spoke through the loud talks of the people.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position." Dumbledore's gaze turned to right of us, towards the Hufflepuffs, "Now, as Mr. Diggory..." The crowd screamed and cheered for Cedric who's arm was thrown up involuntarily by his father, "and Mr.Potter, are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum..." Viktors classmates cheered for him, "and then by Ms. Delacour." He continued, "First person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter." He lifted his robes from the grass and turned around, gathering the contestants around him. He spoke words for only their ears to hear, and pulled away.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves." He instructed them to stand near their entrances to the maze. Cedrics father grabbed him tightly and hugged him, his grin was wide and it was very evident he was proud of his boy.

As he should be, Cedric's heart and determination is one of a kind. I hope he does well in the maze.

Harry glanced at us before he and Cedric entered. I nodded my head with a smile at him with full support.

"He's got this." I said to myself, Hermione turned to me and then back to him.

"I truly hope so." The cannon went off, and they entered the maze.

What none of us knew... is how upside down our world would be turned after the trial.

And that was the last time anyone would see Cedric Diggory alive.

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