Chapter 14.

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I approached the tent that is holding all the Triwizard Champions. Hermione said we can see them before the Tournament, so I entered the tent. I looked around and each side of the tent and it was covered in the schools colors and the house colors, I looked for red with a griffin. As I kept walking I didn't have to go far to spot Harry hugging Hermione, she pulled away and saw me.

"Come here!" She yelled and dramatically waved me over, I hadn't seen Harry for six or seven hours now. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and burying my face into the crevice of it. He held me tightly and did the same until a bright light bulb flashed onto us, we separated, holding each other's hands to be rudely greeted by Rita Skeeter. Her magic quill began writing in her notebook as demanded.

"How lovely... From what I've gathered I see a possible love triangle." Rita folded her arms and pointed to Harry and I, then Cedric's presence appeared from my left. He came out of his small area to see what the flash was. She then pointed to Cedric and I and spoke to her quill "Cedric Diggory's Yule Ball date has now chosen Harry Potter over him... How interesting." After her last words Viktor appeared and waved her off.

"This tent is for friends only. Leave." He demanded, she huffed and made her way to the front of the tent.

"Go write more lies. It's what you do best." Cedric said annoyed and turning back to his small area of the tent. Rita rolled her eyes before giving us a dramatic exit.

"We got the picture. That's all that matters." She said with a faded voice, I rolled my eyes and looked back at Harry.

"I'm sorry. I just gave her more to write about you." I said frowning, he shook his head annoyed with Rita as well and pulled me in for a hug.

"I don't care. You're here." He said into my hair, I smiled and held onto his warm hug tighter. Hermione stood nearby waiting for me. I pulled away from Harry quickly as Dumbledore and a few others made their way into the tent, I grabbed Harry's face and kissed him quickly. The warmth of his lips gave me a sweet reminder of last night, my body tingled at the memory and I smiled into his kiss. I stared deeply into his eyes excited.

"You're going to come back to me tonight, right?" I laughed holding his shirt in my fist, he smiled back at me and gave me another quick kiss.

"In one piece, yes, that's the plan." He laughed and sent me on my way past Dumbledore, he watched me make my way past him and I gave him an awkward smile. I turned around at the front of the tent.

"Cedric!" I yelled back into the tent, he turned his head to look at me from the group they were circled in.

"Good luck. That's all." I gave him a warm smile and left the tent.


"I CAN'T WATCH THIS!" I shouted covering my eyes. Harry has been hiding behind a rock for the past five minutes because of the dragon guarding the egg, every time he works up the nerve to move it blasts fire at him. Hermione uncovered my eyes with her hands forcing me to watch, her jaw dropped, causing me to glance at what was happening. Harry finally summoned him broom and mounted it, taking off from behind the rock he had used as a shield.

"YES, HARRY!" Hermione and I screamed throwing our hands into the air, the practice finally paid off and he was on the broom. After a few failed attempts of reaching the egg he exited the arena flying right above us, Hermione and I turned around in confusion.

"Can he do that? Can he leave?" I asked Hermione. She turned around with wide eyes and forced me down to the ground with her, I heard wood smash into a million pieces in front of us. We rose to see the dragon had broke from the chain and was chasing Harry and it had shattered the front seats in front of us with its spiked tail.

"If the dragons chasing him I assume so." She said still in surprise at what just happened. I bit my nails and frowned, Harry is being chased by an unchained dragon. I'm panicking, if I'm panicking he's panicking. Cedric just went before him, and he made it out with the egg and in one piece. That is all I want from Harry, please come back to me in one piece.

"I can't do this. I might pass out." I said pressing my fingers to my temples and closing my eyes. My breathing increased in a slight panic.

"It's Harry. I'm sure he'll be fine." Ginny Weasley said crossing her arms in confidence, I squinted at her and put my lips in a fine line.

"I hope you're right." I whispered turning back around with the crowd, it's been silent for a few minutes. Where is he? Did the dragon eat him? Oh my god.

"I know we're all thinking that but you didn't have to say it!" Hermione shouted smacking my shoulder, I realized I said my thoughts out loud.

"I'm freaking out!" I screamed at her, she squinted her eyes trying to see in the distance. And just like that Harry flew above us with the back of his broom being slightly burnt and he grabbed the egg. The crowd cheered and screamed with excitement. Leaving Harry in first place.

(Short chapter and not one of my strongest! But I'll be working on the next one ASAP!)

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