Chapter 8.

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Harry's barely spoken to me since the names were pulled from the Goblet, leaving me unsure on how to feel. He explained to us in the common room that same night he that did not put his name in the cup, then went upstairs to his dormitory with just a simple glance at me. I haven't seen him after classes or any other time, when he's with Hermione and Ron I pretend I don't see them and go somewhere else, at this point I'm having Hermione withdrawals, and Harry withdrawals.

I walk into Herbology late, and see everyone's eyes on me.

"We're happy to have you, Ms. Late - Matthews." Professor Sprout says making some students laugh, I give her an apologetic look and make my way to my spot. Once I placed my stuff down I look ahead of me to be met by green eyes, the too familiar eyes. I look to my left confused as to why he's not next to me anymore, to see Neville's taken his spot. That is how badly he doesn't want to see me, or speak to me. My heart drops at the thought of his possible hatred at this point. I shake my head in obvious annoyance and just stare down at my plant. Class goes on, and Neville's doing his best to make conversation, I blankly answer each of his questions, there's no point in taking my frustration out on Neville, but I also wasn't in a talking mood. Once class is over I watch Harry exit the room faster than the rest of the class, and he's gone in the crowd. I sigh quietly, grabbing my books and head to lunch.

"Hi, Lucy!" A younger boy with blonde hair exclaims as I walk through the big doors, "I'm Collin! Do you want to buy a paper?" He holds The Daily Prophet up in the air, and I see Harry on the front page. I nod, pay him and take the paper not bothering to ask how he knew my name. I straighten the paper out and see the headline title, "Triwizard Tournament Champions Harry Potter revealed and others". I knew the Tournament was going to make it into the papers, but Harry's basically the title, I continue reading curiously seeing, the picture of all four Champions posing for the picture. I place myself down at the table and begin reading Harry's interview.

"Can I sit?" A familiar voice asks me, I look to my left and see Hermione already placing herself. I nod and return my gaze to the paper. Hermione means the boys aren't far behind.

"Sure." I whisper focused, then the paper is yanked from my hand. I furrow my brows together to see Harry has ripped it from my grasp and crumbled it up.

"Sorry, I was just trying to read the paper." I said in a mocking tone to Hermione while staring at Harry. He keeps his eyes on me then places himself down in front of me with Ron. Ron and Hermione's eyes remained wide, shocked by his actions, honestly, so was I.

"It's bullshite." Harry says angry, I bit the inside of my cheek, debating on wether I should mock his English cuss word. I decide not and pull out a piece of paper and begin writing back to my father, he sent an owl a few days ago and I haven't had the chance to answer with my academics being in the way.

I love and miss you. I hope everything is going great for you at The Ministry. I'm sorry, it's taken me a few days to respond, Snape, my potions teacher has kept a tight chain on me so I can catch up. But to answer your question, school is fine.
P.S. - Thanks for dragging me all the way across the world and leaving me here. It's been "bullshite" if you really, want to know.

I dropped my quill down and closed my eyes in frustration crumbling the paper. I can't send this, he was so excited for his job with The Ministry, I can't blame him for my terrible social skills and choice of friends. My anger goes beyond Harry at this point. Hermione hasn't been around as much as I'd like, but I also have to realize, these were her friends before I was. To add the cherry on top, the boy Malfoy has been giving me literal hell, but I guess that was the price for being caught with Harry so many times without the presence of our other friends.

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