Chapter Bloody 2

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It was time to start my story. My bloody hectic story.

Right, so it all started with using a spoon to look at my reflection.

I styled my mullet with some of my saliva I licked on my hand straight from my mouth. It was bloody sticky, I'll tell you that much.

I grabbed a comb and used it on my moustache, armpit hair and leg hair, to make sure I was looking my best.

I stared at my non-existent boobs, hips and bum, thinking to myself, I have so many curves. Everyone will be so jealous at school.

I opened my the cupboard that hid a 5 story walk in robe and strutted in.

I had to walk all the way to the bottom floor because my quickscoping rifles were taking up the other four. I was bloody dedicated.

I quickly picked out a bikini, because I felt like why lie to myself and subtly dress like a tart when I can just do what I want. I'm 15 now, I'm a bloody adult basically.

'Oh yeah' I thought to myself, 'still gotta get my parents bodies outta the boot, check 'em for cash and chuck 'em in the neighbours caravan'.

Gotta blame someone.

Deciding to do that later when I actually cared, I grabbed my backpack from inside my caravan and a quickscope rifle for school.

The way to my school, GetRekt Public College School, was a long one and having no shoes was bloody annoying.

The amount of bindi's I stepped on was hecticly unbelievable.

When I arrived, I looked upon the sight to see of my school. It was a rundown McDonalds so it was made into a school with the worst bloody education and every class had something to do with Maccas.

It looked all new now, but still had the Macca's sign out the front with it saying its open 24/7. So it's great cause we get heaps of druggo's come and hang out with us.

As I continued to walk to the front door, I already see some tart pop up, startling me.

"Rybekkah!" the thing screeched.

I grab out my rifle and 360 noscope her.

Bloody hell.

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