NIGHTS LIKE THESE \\ alex + erling

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{ pure fluff, allow me to shove my brotp down your throats, best read w/ soothing music probably }

Alex awakes with a jump from the loud thunder outside, greeted with the sound of rain pounding on the windows. Sleepily he pulls the blankets back up to his face and closes his eyes. He stays like this for a while, just listening to the raging storm outside. Soon he starts to grow impatient when he can't seem to fall back asleep. There's a slight frustration in him as he doesn't understand why. Quietly Alex crawls out of bed and slowly makes his way out of his room, finding his way through the dark. "Erling?" Alex whispers as he stands in the living room entry. There's shuffling from the couch as a tiered groan answers him. Carefully Alex walks over to the couch, kneeling down in front of it. "Alex? What's up?" Erling mumbles out as he props himself up with one arm slightly. "Can't fall back asleep," Alex answers quietly, jumping at a loud burst of thunder. "Come here," Erling says as he sits up, legs spread out on the couch as his back rests on the armrest. Alex climbs over him, sitting down beside him with his legs hanging over his and off the couch. Erling wraps him in a hug to which Alex relaxes into, wrapping his arms around him as he rests his head on his shoulder. "Think of something calming, like being bundled up in a blanket with someone by a fireplace on a cold night. The snow falling and painting nearly everything outside in a coat of white. Breezes shaking the trees every now and then so they scratch on the windows gently. The dark sky clouded so the moon is only a small patch of light illuminating a few lucky clouds. Eyelashes tickling your cheek as soft laughter mixes with the noises of the crackling fire. Let those thoughts take your hand and guide you," Erling says in his groggy voice, something that seems to make every word so much better. Alex stays quiet, he's fallen asleep. With a small smile Erling carefully gets up with Alex safely in his arms. He takes Alex back to bed and tucks him in, brushing some stray hair from his face. Sluggishly Erling walks back to the couch, getting comfortable again. He lets the now distant thunder and tapping of rain on the windows and roof take him to a peaceful sleep.

SHORT, SIMPLE, SWEET \\ CCWhere stories live. Discover now