HALF CONFESSED \\ george x josh

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{ Important question: would any of you consider paying me for a writing commission? Of either fanfiction, your own OCs, etc.? I'm looking for ways to make enough money to go visit my boyfriend next year }

George rests his chin on his hand, biting the end of his hoodie sleeve. He watches the tv screen intently, a longing feeling tugging at his thoughts. As hard as he tries he can't block out the pretty sound of Josh's voice. It's rude to listen in on someone else's call but he can't help it. There's something about Josh's voice that makes him want to hear him talk all day. "Sorry about that, it was just Nina," Josh gives him a sympathetic smile. "It's alright, at least it was after our game," George forces a small smile back as he feels his heart seem to sink. "True, wanna order some dinner?" Josh asks. "Yeah, the usual?" George asks as he grabs his phone from the coffee table. Josh nods his head with a hum of approval, slinging his right arm over George's shoulders. George's heart skips a beat in surprise, butterflies tickling his insides. Quietly George orders their food and leans back into the comforting touch. Some cooking show is playing but Josh doesn't seem interested, however George is. "Do you wanna watch something else?" George questions, eyebrows furrowed as he looks over to him. "No this is fine," Josh smiles at him, the genuine assurance in his voice letting George happily believe him. Really Josh doesn't care what they watch as long as George is enjoying it. He finds entertainment in watching George get worked up about what they're watching and going on little rants to him. Maybe he just enjoys how George looks- acts when he's all flustered. All in a friend kind of way that is. George's voice soon snaps Josh out of his zoned out thoughts with a small startle. "How do you mess up your cupcakes like that?" George angrily asks aloud. "You can't even make cupcakes!" Josh bursts into a small fit of laughter. "No! If I tried I definitely could, you just follow the instructions. That's easy!" George quickly defends himself, seemingly taken back by Josh's sudden input. "Yeah, sure," Josh rolls his eyes. George lets out a small huff as he relaxes once again, doing his best to put his full attention on the show. Time seems to fly much too fast as the sound of the doorbell makes George jump from surprise. He hopes Josh was too distracted to notice, yet still he's quite embarrassed. "I'll get it," George says as he starts to get up. "No it's alright, my treat," Josh smiles widely as he gets up and goes to the door. George swears his heart is going to burst from his chest at how fast and hard it's beating. Awestruck he can't help but watch Josh pay for their pizza, mouth slightly agape. Hurriedly George adverts his gaze as Josh turns to walk back to the couch. "Something up?" Josh asks as he notices the way George toys with the ends of his sleeves in that all familiar way. "N-no- no it's alright," George stutters sheepishly, moving over slightly as to give him room. "No something definitely seems wrong," Josh insists as he sets the pizza on the coffee table and takes his seat beside George. "I don't wanna talk about it," George says in defeat as he opens the box and takes a slice. "Are you sure? You can tell me anything, I won't judge you," Josh asks, concern clear in his voice. "Maybe later," George mumbles through a mouth of pizza. Josh smiles slightly at the sight, "Alright, we'll talk about it later," Josh agrees as he takes a slice for himself.

. . .

George yawns as he turns to lay on the couch, legs swung over Josh's lap. "Ready to talk now?" Josh asks softly, propping his feet up on the coffee table while making sure not to tip it over. George's stomach flips as he takes a sharp inhale. His mind races between his two choices. He knows he'll have to admit it eventually, does he just do it now? "George?" Josh asks softly, snapping George's attention back to him. He must have been silent for longer then he thought. George sits up from his laying position, legs still laid on Josh's lap as he sits sideways on the couch. "It's embarrassing," George stops at that, he can't manage to get anything else out of his throat. "I won't laugh, I promise it's ok no matter what it is," Josh smiles at him. "I- I like- I have a crush on... well a friend. T-that friend isn't a, uh- isn't a girl," George whispers, eyes glued to his lap as he can't bare to look up. "That's it? George you dummy, I don't care what your sexuality is! I won't think of you any differently, you're my best mate," Josh chuckles lightly with a wide smile. "N-no that's not it," George sniffles, quickly trying to wipe away the tears clouding his vision. Josh's smile immediately falters at this, worry etched into his expression. "Th-they'll never f-feel the same, th- h-he's straight," George chokes out through silent sobs that wrack through his chest. "Oh," is all Josh can say for a moment as he thinks of what to say, let alone do. "Hey, it's alright, you'll find someone who loves you, it just might not be him," Josh attempts to comfort him as he pulls the small boy over so he's sat in his lap. All George can do is cry, cry and cry in hopes of getting it all out. He hopes he can just cry away his feelings as he tries not to focus on how fucking nice it is to be held by his crush. Even if he doesn't feel the same at least he can have this feeling to comfort him. The feeling of Josh's arms wrapped around him and his hand rubbing light circles on his back. It's good enough for now.

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