WARM CHEEKS \\ george x josh

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{ more childhood AU fluff, technically part2 of cold noses }

Eagerly George waits in the cold for the door to open, although this time he does have his scarf. "George!" Josh exclaims as he opens the door, stepping out of the way so he can come in. Quickly George hurries in as Josh closes the door behind him. "Just in time! We're gonna make cookies!" Josh says excitedly as he takes George's hand in his. George chuckles, "Let me put my bag down first," George says as Josh tries to pull him towards the kitchen. "Oh, yeah," Josh blushes as he leads them to his room instead. George takes in the familiar surroundings of Josh's room as he sets his backpack down. Josh takes off George's scarf as George starts to take off his coat. "Thank you," George smiles as he sits down and starts taking off his shoes. "Come on," Josh giggles. "Be patient," George shakes his head with a smile as he stands back up. "Ok, let's go!" Josh says, practically jumping up and down. "Yep," George nods as Josh takes his hand in his again and rushes to the kitchen, George surprised at first before matching his pace. "Mum! We're ready," Josh announces as they enter the kitchen together. "Perfect, I have everything ready, you just have to put it all together and mix it up," Josh's mom smiles. The boys decide on Josh pouring everything into the mixing bowl and George mixing it up. "Your turn!" Josh says after putting everything in the mixing bowl. George takes the mixing bowl and the spatula before starting to mix. Josh giggles, "I always have trouble mixing but you're big and strong!" George feels himself blush slightly at this. "Thank you," George smiles sheepishly. "All done," George says once he thinks it's fully mixed. "Alright, looks good!" Josh's mom says after she checks to make sure it's all mixed. "Go wash your hands and you can roll up some cookies," She tells the boys. George lets Josh wash his hands first, Josh going back over once he's done but waiting for George to finish. "Don't make them too big," Josh's mom says as she checks the oven, which is almost ready. "Like this big," George says as he rolls up a bit of dough and places it on the baking sheet. "Ooo I see! Did your mum really make this recipe up all on her own?" Josh asks as he rolls up a ball of dough and places it an inch away from George's. "Mhm," George hums as they continue. "That's awesome! I don't know how she did it, they're always so tasty!" Josh gasps. "She's magic," George jokes with a smile. "Really?" Josh gasps. "Maybe," George laughs as they finish. "Go wash up and we can have them later," Josh's mom calls before she walks over and takes the tray to put it in the oven. "Let's go to my room!" Josh says. "Let's wash our hands first," George says, letting Josh go first again. "Let's go!" Josh says excitedly once George finished washing his own hands. George nods and let's Josh lead him back to his room. "What do you wanna do?" Josh asks as he runs over and sits on his bed as George softly closes the door behind them. "Kiss you," George says without thinking, quickly blushing afterwards and looking down. "Well then come here!" Josh giggles as George shyly walks over and sits on the bed beside him. Gently Josh takes George's cheeks in his hands and places a quick kiss to his lips. "Not like that, like this," George chuckles as he cups Josh's cheek and softly kisses him, both lingering there for a second. "That's much better," Josh blushes as they pull apart. "Yeah," George says breathlessly, simply admiring the boy beside him. "You're so cute, just, too adorable," George says softly. "Really?" Josh asks, tilting his head. "Yeah, so cute and pretty," George nods, linking their fingers together. "I think you're really cute too, and handsome," Josh says sheepishly. "I just... love you. I love you," George says with a big smile. "I love you too, a lot," Josh smiles back just as wide. George leans in for another soft kiss, both reluctant to separate. "I'll always love you, no matter what!" Josh declares confidently. "I'll always love you too, through everything," George says softly, thumb softly rubbing Josh's warm cheek.

{ been a while, is this community
still alive? I don't really watch
many of them anymore but they
hold a special place in my heart.
Feel free to dm me requests - or
simply just to talk! }

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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