OH MY \\ george x josh

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{ Sad angst/fluff of an AU I've been thinking about }

"When we grow up you're gonna be my husband," Josh whispers as he turns his head to look at the boy laid beside him. George lets out a small laugh, pulling him down onto the bed with him. Cupping George's cheek softly Josh litters his face with small and quick kisses. Giggles fill the air, such a heavenly noise to Josh's ears. "It's only high school, don't get too far ahead of yourself," George says quietly as he brushes Josh's hair behind his ear, hand lingering before falling to his side. "I'd be a fool to loose such a perfect boyfriend," Josh smiles as he carefully wraps George in a gentle embrace. "I hope to god that stays true," George hums as he closes his eyes, resting his head on Josh's chest. "I promise I'll make us last, love," Josh says as he runs a hand through George's already disheveled hair. With a hum George sighs in content, smile lingering for the longest time it ever has. Josh gives George a gentle squeeze before closing his own eyes, playing with George's hair to help him drift to sleep easily.

. . .

"I just need some time," Josh says in a harsher tone then George is used to. With a blank face George simply adverts his gaze, arms awkwardly holding each other. Feeling regret already starting to grow in the pit of his stomach Josh turns around and begins walking off. Although he knows he shouldn't George can't help but stand and watch him walk away, the thing he's always promised never to do. Even though he always comes back in the moment it never seems that hopeful. Nothing ever seems to appear hopeful, Josh has always had George force the hope into him. It's hard for George when he gives all his hope to him. Sometimes he has barely any for himself. On and off, never for long but the lost time still exists.

. . .

A wide smile spreads across Josh's cheeks as George rushes to his side. "See! You did it, you finally graduated, I told you you'd do it!" George laughs as he hugs him tightly, Josh returning the hug just as tightly. "And I told you we'd figure things out and we'd make it this far," Josh kisses his forehead, a somewhat smug smile still making his cheeks ache. "I know, I'm so happy. It's- it's so dumb but god do I love you," George smiles as Josh continues to hold him in a gentle yet almost protective way. "Anything to make you happy, I love you too, it still makes my whole day to see you smile," Josh picks him up and spins them around once, enough to make George laugh so genuinely. It'll always be one of his favorite sounds. Oh how he loves seeing him happy, it's the best feeling in the world.

. . .

The room is much too white, it's the kind of clean that makes you sick to the stomach. It's unnaturally quiet, only the soft repetitive beeping that is starting to drive him crazy. There's such a lack of movement, of life, the kind of still that makes you shuffle in your seat. Too white, too clean, too quiet, too still, simply awful. "Angel," George says softly, gently placing his hand over his boyfriend's clenched one. "When can you come home?" Josh asks in almost a whisper, eyes struggling to meet his. "Soon, real soon," George assures him to the best of his abilities. Relaxing as much as he can Josh uncurls his hand, linking his fingers with George's. "It'll be ok, you'll be alright," George smiles, giving his hand a small squeeze of reassurance. Melting at the sad yet heartwarming sight Josh brings up their clasped hands, placing a long, lingering kiss on the back of George's hand. "What about you?" Josh asks, managing to finally ask the question even though he's scared of the possible answer. George's smile falters, turning to a look of hesitation. "I still have time," George says with a somewhat forced small smile. "Not enough time," Josh whispers before leaning down to gently connect their lips. It's slow and soft, pure admiration coating their actions. Only seconds after they pull away and keep locked eyes as theres footsteps headed over their way.

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