MESSY ART \\ fraser x james

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{ imagine this: chaotic evil, using paint as lube, now throw that out the window cause here's some fluff }

"C'mon, we have this left over face paint!" Fraser insists as he drags James over to the table.

"Im not letting you put anything on my face," James says as he lets Fraser drag him along anyway.

"Please? I just wanna try!" Fraser pleads as he sits down at the table.

James chuckles as he sits in the chair beside him. "Alright fine, just a little." On the table Fraser had laid out some of the extra face paint, a cup of water, and a paintbrush. James doesn't bother asking where he got- or found- a paintbrush. Fraser squirts out a bit of the paint on the back of his hand and grabs the paintbrush. Pulling out his phone James scrolls through his socials while he lets Fraser paint on his face. Once he finishes with that color he cleans the brush in the water and realizes he forgot a towel or something to wipe it on. With a sly smirk he wipes the paintbrush on James' jeans. "Hey!" James says once he feels the water quickly soak through his jeans. "I forgot a towel," Fraser shrugs. James lightly smacks the side of his head, "Use your own," he scoffs. "But I'm not wearing pants," Fraser points out as he goes to grab another color. Setting his phone aside James uses his finger to get the last bit of face paint off Fraser's hand. Fraser goes to say something as a confused expression flashes across his face but James moves first. He smears the face paint down Fraser's cheek with a smirk. "No fair," Fraser whines as he rubs the once paint covered back of his hand on James' jeans. "You want some more?" James asks as he gently grabs Fraser's face. "No!" Fraser says as James smushes their cheeks together, rubbing the face paint of both of their cheeks around in a mess as Fraser tries to pull away. "You messed up my work!" Fraser pouts as he opens the last tube of face paint. "Aw, c'mon, now we can both be clowns," James laughs. Fraser lets out a huff as he squeezes some paint onto his fingers before smearing it from down James' cheek to over his lips and down his chin. "Oh, gross," James fakes a gag as he grabs the tube from him. James puts some paint on his fingers before smearing it down Fraser's clean cheek. Quickly Fraser snatches it back and slides it down the table, away from both of their reach. "You're no fun," James jokes. "I had to stop so I could win," Fraser smirks. "No way I'm letting you win," James scoffs before grabbing Fraser's cheeks in his hands and practically smashing their lips together. Taken back Fraser freezes but it's only a split second before James has moved to kissing random spots of Fraser's face, leaving traces of paint at each one. With small whines Fraser tries to push him off. James pulls away with a proud smirk, he has won this little battle after all. "Ugh fine, you win," Fraser says as he wipes his hands off on James' jeans. James just chuckles as he wipes his hands on Fraser's bare legs, seemingly tickling him as Fraser lets out a little giggle and pushes his hands away. "Now I know your weak point for next time," James winks as he leaves to clean up. "Oh fuck off," Fraser blushes as he pauses before getting up as well.

{ this is a filler while i finish the
like 5 half finished drafts i have lol }

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