SAVINGS \\ alex x will

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{ Day 1: Ring | AU where Alex n Will have been dating for a few years now }

Will stares up at the ceiling, he can't see anything so he's not sure why he bothers looking. It's dark, just a reminder he should be sleeping. Something is keeping him up though, it won't leave his mind no matter how hard he tries to distract himself. A soft ding pulls Will's eyes from the ceiling and to his phone. It's bright screen's light seems blinding in the darkness surrounding it. Still, eagerly, Will strains his eyes to see the screen as he picks up his phone from its spot.

Alex🌻 12.00
Happy birthday Will! Love you bb 🎉 🎁❤️

A smile quickly spreads across Will's illuminated face. He quickly types out a 'thank you, love' with a few dumb emojis before setting his phone back down. Turning a bit until he's comfortable Will closes his eyes. Now able to rest his mind he's able to drift into a comfortable land of dreams.


Will takes a big breath in before letting it out, blowing out the single candle on his slice of cheesecake. Small cheers and clapping come from his boyfriend, a wide smile reaching from cheek to cheek. Will can't help but smile back just as widely, placing a sweet kiss on his forehead. "What did you ask for from everyone else?" Alex questions as he takes a bit of his own slice. "Just money," Will shrugs, starting to eat his dessert as well. "Boring," Alex scoffs playfully as he leans his head on Will's shoulder. Will wishes he could tell Alex why that's all he asked for but it would ruin his surprise. God is he excited for it himself, he can't even imagine how happy Alex will be. This last bit of birthday money should be enough for him to meet his goal. Just a little more and it'll be time. He does hope he'll get enough money this birthday, youtube income hasn't been the best lately. He can't exactly work overtime and know for a fact he'll earn more, as much as he'd be more then willing to do just that. But no, that's not quite how it works with his job. It'll all be more then worth it in the end, he knows that.


They had just gotten some fast food and have arrived at the park. Sitting in their favorite spot they relax and start eating. Cuddled together they switch from looking to each other to looking up at the night sky. Once their food is finished and trash is thrown away they go back to sit under their favorite tree. Alex sits down but gives Will a confused look when he doesn't. Getting on one knee Will pulls out the thing he's been saving up for all this time. Alex's hands fly to his mouth, eyes wide. "Alex Emslie, will you marry me?" Will asks confidently, a huge smile spread across his face. Alex is practically speechless, thankfully his mind is on auto pilot as he manages to get out the words he so desperately wants to say. "Yes, I do, I do!" Alex gasps out, tears of joy falling down his pink dusted cheeks. With hands shaking slightly from pure joy Will slips the ring onto Alex's finger. "I love you so fucking much," Alex chokes out, wiping a few stray tears from his cheek. "I love you more," Will coos, lifting Alex into the air and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. Alex takes Will's cheeks in his hands and kisses back just as sweetly. They're both so ecstatic their hearts can barely take it, pure ecstasy.

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