IOU (BUT NOT REALLY) \\ george x will

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{ fluff/smut, high school AU request }

George tries to rub the remaining sleep from his eyes as he enters hell, which happens to be school. He's early as always, it's better to wake up early to get a ride to school then walk. Having to walk back home after school is already enough. Like always he feels himself stray towards the sports fields. Just wandering he stops at the side of the school building and sits down, leaned against the wall. He pulls a pencil and notebook from his backpack and opens to a clean page. Although sucking at drawing he still likes to doodle stupid shit to pass time. "Oi! Look here!" a voice pulls up George's gaze from his notebook. He sees two guys he thinks are on the sports team. Not really being much into sports he doesn't know for sure, nor does he care. One is blonde and a bit taller then the other who is a brunette. "Fuckin' loser out here all by himself," the blonde one snickers. Knowing it's best to ignore them George turns his attention back to his doodling. "Probably early so his dad doesn't beat 'em," the brunette chimes in, he sounds awfully proud of his jab. "Hey, listen, dickhead," the blonde one says angrily, to which he just ignores him. "Whatcha even doing?" the brunette questions as he rips the notebook from George's hand, holding it with one hand as he inspects it. Both quickly look over the two pages before bursting out in laughter. Getting irritated now George tries to stay cool. Standing up George snatches his notebook back in hopes of being able to just walk away. "Hey!" One of then snaps before shoving George, not expecting it George looses his balance and falls, landing on his arm. Wincing slightly George starts to get up only to be shoved back down by one of them using their foot. "Oi, leave him alone already, we got practice to do!" An annoyed voice calls, George sighs quietly in relief. "Whatever, meet you back there," the blonde one says as he drags his friend along. He sees his savior, if you could even call it that, is a handsome brunette with a fairly square shaped head. "Thanks," George mumbles as the boy holds out a hand. George takes it and grabs his notebook from the dirt. "Yeah, I know. You owe me one though," the boy says nonchalantly. George just gives him a weird look, "I didn't ask you to help me, mate. I don't owe you." He seems a bit annoyed by that but seems to set it aside. "Just meet me back here after school, names Will," the boy, Will, says as he glances back for a moment. "Yeah, whatever," George rolls his eyes, starting to walk off before Will speaks up. He seems to be very talkative. "I don't even get your name?" George pauses to look back at him, "George," he answers before continuing to leave. He hears Will let out a slight huff. He's not completely convinced still, he doesn't owe his random guy anything. Out of curiosity, and totally not because he's very attractive, George decides he'll actually show up later.

. . .

Thankfully the only other trouble George had that day was getting detention over something ridiculous. That can wait though, he has a bit of time to spare. Hurrying slightly George makes his way to the spot as soon as the bell rings. To his surprise he finds Will already there, leaned against the wall with his backpack on the ground beside him. "Nice, you showed up!" Will says in a surprised tone and a small smile. "Yeah, gotta be quick though, I got detention," George replies as he stands by him awkwardly. Instead of questioning him like George expected Will just chuckles. "Me too actually, we can talk on the way," Will suggests, to which George nods. Shoving his hands in his pockets George waits for Will to grab his bag before they start walking back into school. "So I was thinking and I came up with a good way for you to repay me," Will says, making George roll his eyes but keep listening. "How 'bout you come over to mines and we can see where things go," Will winks causing a light blush to coat George's face as he looks down. "I don't know man, I'm not really into that," George lies through his teeth as they enter the classroom. "Awe c'mon, it'll be great, I promise, just give it a try," Will tries to convince him, doing a terrible job at that. "Boys, quiet!" The teacher snaps at them as they sit down next to each other. Will grumbles something under his breath but obeys like George is doing. Trying to occupy himself George gets out his notebook and starts doodling, pretending to be doing work. He feels someone nudge his foot with their own, presumably Will, and looks over. Will glances at the teacher before reaching out a note. Quickly George takes it and looks up as well before opening it. 'Say yes pls it'll b fun' George scribbles down a response and is careful to not catch the teacher's attention as he passes it back. 'fine, whatever will, today good?' He gets the note back much quicker then he expected. It makes sense when Will simply replied with 'perfect ;)'. George has no idea why he's gotten himself into this but he doesn't mind at all.

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