FULL CONFESSIONS \\ george x josh

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{ part 2/continuation of half confessed, just some nice fluff }

Josh groans as he opens his eyes, he's still extremely tired. He's still in the same spot he must have dozed off in. Searching through his memory he remembers George had fallen asleep on his lap after calming down, he didn't want to wake him up by moving so he must have fell asleep too. Looking around for his phone he uses his free hand to rub his eyes gently. He finds his phone and squints at the bright light of the screen. Almost 2am, he would rather have just slept in the awkward position and be sore in the morning. He notices a few missed calls and some texts, most of them from Nina. Still much too tired to care he tosses his phone aside and lays his head back. Closing his eyes he pulls George closer, if that's even possible when they're already so close. "George," Josh mumbles, he gets no response or even any movement from the boy. "George," Josh says, louder this time but still quiet. Again, not even a squirm. Making sure Josh has George safely in his arms he stands up; carefully carrying him to his room. Thankfully both boys had previously taken their shoes off already. With quite a bit of struggle Josh manages to pull back the covers with George still in his arms. Gently he lays him down and walks over to turn the lights off. Stumbling back over to the bed Josh lays down beside him and pulls the blankets up over them. For a few minutes Josh just lays there, staring off at nothing because something feels off. Finally closing his eyes he wraps his arms around George, pulling him into a close embrace. That's what was missing, the smaller boy in his arms. Naturally George cuddles into it in his sleep as Josh can't help but smile. Sleep once again eases him into a nice dream filled state.

. . .

The light peaking through the curtains and washing over his face causes George to groan softly. He buries his face into the soft fabric beside him he assumes is a pillow. Suddenly he realizes arms are draped around him and he can feel steady breathing beside him. Immediately he knows who it is and a wide smile spreads across his face. He focuses on the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, relaxing peacefully but not quite able to fall back asleep. After a few minutes of silently laying there he feels Josh move slightly. "George?" His groggy voice asks sleepily. George hums in response, too comfortable to bother trying to get out words. "Hey Josh," George mumbles after a few minutes of Josh quietly playing with his hair. "Yeah?" Josh asks, his sleepily husky tone giving George butterflies as his cheeks heat up. "I love you," George whispers, getting it out while he feels all warm and fuzzy so he won't back down. "Love you too," Josh smiles lazily, George can tell by his voice as he still has his face nuzzled into Josh's chest. "No, no- I mean, like," George pauses to find the words he's trying to get out, "more then friend type of love." Josh is quiet at first, making George's stomach flip in worry as he suddenly regrets his words. For some reason he hasn't lost all hope yet, maybe because Josh still has him in a comforting embrace. "I think I feel the same way, I've just not really realized it before," Josh finally says, hand once again starting to play with George's hair. "Really?" George asks, surprised as he doesn't know if he believes it or not. Josh pulls away slightly so he can see George's face, bringing up a hand to rest on his cheek. "Yes, I mean it," Josh reassures him before placing a small kiss on his forehead. "Fuckin' hell, I love you," George sighs out in pure relief as he hugs him tightly. "I love you too, loser," Josh chuckles as he hugs back just as tightly.

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