COLD NOSES \\ george x josh

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{ fluff request, childhood AU }

"Mum I'm done, can I go meet Joshie now?" George asks after putting his dirty dish in the sink. "Sure, sweetie, don't forget your scarf and gloves!" George's mom says as George hurries out of the kitchen. George grabs his favorite hoodie and slips it on over his sweatshirt. Once he puts on his shoes he grabs his gloves. Wanting to seem tough he leaves his scarf and heads to the font door. "Bye!" George calls before leaving, closing the door behind him. He puts on his gloves as he walks to the end of the street where the small 'park' is. Really its just a section of dirt with a swing set and an old slide. Pulling up his hood he gets to the park and waits on the swing, slowly swinging back and forth. "George!" the wonderfully sweet voice of Josh calls as he runs over through the blanket of snow on the ground. "Hey Joshie!" George smiles as he hops off the swing to greet him with a hug. Josh hugs back just as tight before they let go. "Isn't your nose cold?" Josh asks, pulling up his scarf before getting on the swing next to George. "Nope," George answers as he gets back onto the swing behind him. "Wow, lucky," Josh giggles, "guess what though!" George thinks for a moment, "You got a new hat?" he guesses blindly. "No,  you can come over tomorrow and spend the night! My mom talked to yours I just wanted to tell you myself," Josh laughs slightly. "That's great, I can't wait!" George beams, excitement dripping from his words. George sniffles slightly, his nose is getting quite cold buts he tells himself it's fine. "Your nose is cold, isn't it?" Josh asks, his scarf hiding his knowing smile. "I'm fine," George insists. "It's alright, you don't have to act all tough, you're tough in other ways," Josh says as he gets off the swing and walks the three steps over to George. "Thank you," George blushes as he looks to his feet. "Here, you can share my scarf," Josh says as he unwraps his scarf. "We don't wanna sit in the cold snow," George says as he pats his lap. Josh smiles and lets George pull him up to sit on his lap, he sits sideways so he can see him better. "There," George laughs as he takes the end of Josh's scarf and pulls their faces together. Josh laughs as he squishes their frost bitten cheeks together. They wrap the scarf around once more to keep it in place as George holds Josh tightly so he doesn't fall. Josh turns to face George and scrunches his nose up, "Your nose is cold," Josh says but makes no move to turn away. "I can fix that," George says as he gains the confidence to tilt his head to the side and gently press their lips together. Josh is happily surprised for a moment as he quickly kisses back. It's slow and delicate, the kind of kiss that makes your head melt as butterflies dance in the pit of your stomach. Once they pull away, foreheads resting together, the blush on their cheeks heat up their once cold faces. "Can we do that again?" Josh asks shyly in a whisper, eyes avoiding his. "Yeah, lets do that more often," George says softly, shortly after connecting their lips just as softly. It lingers slightly longer this time, staying just as careful and innocent as the last. "I should head home so my dad doesn't get mad, and I'm getting cold," Josh says reluctantly. "Alright, you can have my hoodie for the walk home," George offers as Josh slides off George's lap and stands up. "Are you sure?" Josh asks with a shiver shaking his body. "Of course," George smiles as he pulls his hoodie off over his head, handing it to him. George holds Josh's scarf for him as he pulls on George's hoodie. It's a bit baggy on him in just the right way, it makes George's heart skip a beat as he wraps Josh's scarf around him before pulling the hood over. Josh laughs as he pulls down his scarf to press a quick kiss to George's cheek. "I love you," George mumbles before he can have a chance to fake himself out. "Love you too, see you tomorrow, Georgie," Josh smiles before pulling his scarf back up. "See you then," George smiles widely, he lingers there for a moment to watch Josh leave before deciding to go home himself. Oh how he can't wait for tomorrow.

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