DOMINANT \\ alex x george

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{ It's my birthday, bitches! Here's a bit of slight smut of an AU I thought up as a joke and now adore. I'll also be starting a fic with this AU, only question is; will x alex, george x alex, OR both? }

Alex lays on his stomach on his bed, legs swinging in the air slowly. He browses through youtube trying to find something for a video as drama as been low for once. A notification ping pulls Alex attention to a different open tab. It's a new job, seems to pay less then usual for some reason. Reading through it carefully Alex quickly accepts it, giving them a time frame. "George! Come 'ere," Alex calls out, not moving from his comfortable position. "What?" George asks in his normal monotone voice as he appears in the doorway to Alex's room. "New job," Alex says as he makes a few clicks on his laptop. George walks into the room, sitting on Alex's bed beside him and leaning over slightly. Reading it over himself George makes a small hum. Alex goes to the attached pictures, giving them both time to study each one. "Easy," George finally speaks again. "Does that mean I can help with this one?" Alex asks, seemingly surprising the other as George simply stares at him for a minute. "Why? What do you want?" George questions, easily seeing through Alex's words. Alex refuses to ever kill, he's always stuck with simply managing the deals; leaving the violence to George. "He's hot and.." Alex starts but trails off in an embarrassed tone with cheeks dusted pink as he looks away to avoid eye contact. Gently George grabs Alex's chin and makes him face him, that same blank expression that rarely leaves still on display. "Use your words. What do you want?" George asks, still as stern but now that tiny bit softer. "Him to fuck me," Alex answers quietly, eyes still downcast in a shameful way. "See, that easy. As long as you bring him here you can do whatever you want with him. But in the morning I'm taking him out. Sound good, kitten?" George asks, resting an arm over Alex's waist. The way he keeps his steady monotone voice and blank expression as he speaks sends shivers down Alex's spine in that almost nice type of way. "Yes," Alex nods, unknowingly biting his lip as he's too focused on his thoughts. George gently drags his arm away, starting to get up off the bed. "Wait," Alex snaps out of his wandering thoughts at the movement beside him. George pauses, stood next to the bed as he quietly waits for Alex to speak again. "I want some now, too," Alex mumbles shyly, eyes focused on his hands playing with the blanket below him. "I don't want to be ruining my bait now, do I?" George asks, the way he speaks makes it almost sound like a statement. "Please?" Alex begs, pouting with his best puppy dog eyes. George is quiet and still for a moment, seemingly thinking things over. "It won't hurt to only have your mouth a bit sore," George breaks the silence, Alex quickly perking up at this. Quickly setting his laptop on the carpet Alex moves over to give George room. Climbing onto the bed George sits up against the pillows. Alex moves in between George's legs, pulling down his sweatpants with his boxers eagerly. Taking him in one hand and slowly stroking up and down Alex uses his other hand to prop himself up enough to lean forward. Alex takes pride in being able to change George's normal stoic and emotionless expressions into something else, anything else. The way all he has to do is pleasure him to get that little bit of emotion out of him gets Alex high. How he drags out Alex's name in that drunken tone drives him wild. Just a little bait of skintight shorts or fishnets and George is all over him, finally breaking his normal stone faced self. George lets out a low hum of a moan, tangling a hand in Alex's hair as Alex takes him into his mouth teasingly. "So you wanna tease now, huh kitten? You know where that gets you," George growls softly as his grip on Alex's hair tightens. Alex lets out a small moan as George pushes Alex's head up and down. Alex nearly looses himself as George takes control, closing his eyes and basking in the physical contact. Heaven.

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