NERVOUS \\ alex x will

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{ some smut for im-allexx \ give me requests }

Will can't help but count down the minutes in his head. As soon as George leaves he's going to finally make his move. God is he ready, he's been ready for much longer then he'd ever admit. As soon as the door clicks shut Will's hand is inching up Alex's leg. As soon as Alex registers the touch his breath is hitching in his throat. "Can we finally stop the teasing?" Will whispers in his ear as his hand inches up dangerously close to his destination. This has been going on for weeks now, Will hinting at exactly what he wants and Alex blindly leading him on. It takes Alex a moment to register it all and what's happening, and in that moment all too much happens. Once his mind is made he already feels Will ever so gently palming him through his jeans. "Yes," Alex breaths out in the breath he desperately needed to stop holding. A smirk quickly finds its way to Will's lips as he scatters quick sloppy kisses all over Alex's neck. "Fuck, just hurry we don't have all day," Alex manages to get out completely unevenly. "Lead the way, baby," Will smirks, all too happy to finally have his way, he will always have his way. With a slight stumble Alex gets to his feet, hand tight around Will's as he drags them to his room. It seems instantaneous that when the door is shut Will is shoving Alex onto the bed. Hungrily he nips at Alex's neck and soon to his collarbones, determined to find a good spot. "Don't leave marks, dickhead," Alex grumbles, knowing full well that won't stop him, and part of him is perfectly ok with that. Fumbling with the button and zipper of Alex's jeans he's soon able to pull them down. Kicking off his jeans Alex tugs at Will's sweats in an almost needing way. Happily Will connects their lips in a surprisingly heated kiss while he discards his sweats to the floor. Pulling away reluctantly Will turns to Alex's nightstand. "Bottom drawer," Alex says, covering his blushed face with his arm as if it even matters at this point. Alex only uncovers his face when he feels Will tugging off his boxers, able to spot Will throwing them aside as if they're nothing. "Already stretched, please, just-" Alex cuts himself off with a groan, having no real idea at what he really wants, or how to say it I should rather say. Will isn't surprised at this, in fact he's rather pleased his assumptions were right. Alex is too shy to watch Will prepare himself, instead closing his eyes and biting his lip in anticipation. Not wanting to be bored for those few seconds he turns himself over and gets as comfortable as possible. "Such a good boy," Will coos in such a seductive voice Alex can't help but blush deeply at. Tangling a hand in Alex's hair he starts pushing in, waiting for a sign of approval. "Push in all the way, it's fine," Alex says somewhat shakily, feeling much too awkward and embarrassed at his own words. A gasp escapes Alex's guard as Will pushes all the way in much quicker then Alex could have expected. Biting his bottom lip harshly Alex shoves his face in the blankets, wanting to keep as quiet as possible out of pure embarrassment and worry. Mostly worry fueled embarrassment. Starting an awfully slow pace Will leans down to place messy kisses on Alex's shoulder blades. "Faster," Alex says in a much more whiny voice then even he expected, voice mostly muffled by the fluffy blanket. Getting the idea Will starts to speed up with each thrust, grunting softly with almost every other one. "You okay?" Will asks in a somewhat breathless voice. Alex nods harshly against the bed. Realizing he won't get any answer from the shy boy Will excitedly takes the challenge. Stalling inside ever so slightly Will focuses on keeping his rough, fast pace steady. Letting out small gasps Alex is struggling to keep quiet. Moving his arm to bite on Alex lets out a small moan, quickly biting on his arm to stop himself. It doesn't help as small grunts and moans slip past. Alex almost chokes on his own breath as Will hits a certain spot. "There! Fuck! Right there," Alex whines out, voice uneven and shaky. Speeding up ever so slightly Will tries to keep the angle. At this point Alex can't help but give up as he focus on the pure pleasure, letting out high pitched breathy moans. Will enjoys every last noise, leaning down to attack Alex's neck one last time. Alex can feel Will's movements getting sloppier but it's nothing compared to the bliss he's still feeling. "Fuck- Will! Will! I'm gonna- please?" Alex whines out in a needing beg. "Go on, love," Will grunts before continuing to mark up his neck. He can't hold on any longer, Alex feels so high as he releases onto his own bedcover messily. The sound Alex makes during it tips Will over the edge as he too gives in. It's quiet for a bit, only heavy labored breathing. Will pulls out and lays down, holding Alex as he finishes coming down from that big high. "That was amazing," Alex mumbles, starting to realize how gross and sticky he feels. "Yeah," Will agrees, "shower time?" Alex thinks for a moment, going over his options. "Too tired," Alex finally decides. "Alright, I'll be right back," Will coos before getting up, making Alex feel quite cold. Soon he returns with a wet rag and wipes Alex down gently, seeming to have already done the same to himself. Pushing away the dirtied bedcover Alex climbs under the blankets and gets comfy. Will joins him after pulling on his boxers and turning off the lights. Moving over to cuddle up beside him Alex closes his eyes. Will wraps an arm around him and tries to calm himself down enough to sleep. It only takes mere seconds for Alex to pass out, Will taking a while longer but soon falling into a comforting sleep as well. It's quiet and peaceful, but still a somewhat gross feeling hangs in the air. Alex is going to be quite pissed about all the pretty colors covering his neck and collarbones when he wakes up. Will won't regret a thing.

. . .

George gets back to the flat to find things eerily quiet. In confusion he turns off the tv as the game console is already off. Searching around he finds no one, leaving just Alex's room. He must have gotten tired and Will went home out of boredom he assumes. Quietly creaking open the door George peaks inside. Once adjusted to the darkness he sees Will and Alex laid in bed. He stifles a laugh at the way Alex is practically clung to Will. Then his eyes travel to the floor and he scrunches his face slightly in confusion. It takes him a bit longer then it should but he puts the pieces together in his own time. Quickly shutting the door, making sure to still be quiet, George leaves for the kitchen. Doing his best to ignore what he's just found out he decides to get some food before heading to bed. He has no idea how to go about the situation so he pushes it aside to deal with tomorrow. Thankfully it was easy to forget about for the time being.

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