SELF AWARE \\ george x will

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{ Day 2: mindless | really a starbound glitch AU but to put it short, medieval times where everyone is basically robots but some people figure it out and no one believes them }

George sighs as he finishes his work in the garden, wiping his hands on his pants. Quickly herding all of the hens back into the coop he smiles. He makes his way back into the castle, ready to go find Will. He's hopeful he'll finally convince Will this time. It's a pain to have the same conversation everyday but he knows it's worth it. "Will!" George calls excitedly, making his way past a few people. "Hey, George," Will smiles at him. "How was your day?" George asks as he sits himself on the counter beside him. "Just the normal, yours?" Will asks as he finishes up washing the last dishes. "Boring," George shrugs, swinging his legs gently. "So, about what I've been saying..." George starts, hoping he'll catch on to what he's alluding to. "For the last time, you're just imagining it," Will rolls his eyes as he wipes his hands off on the small towel once slung over his shoulder. "No, I'm telling you! It's true!" George pouts slightly in frustration. Will stands in front of George who's still sat on the counter, hands placed on either side of him. "Please George, give it up. It's just a daydream," Will says, a look of concern clear on his face. George frowns, "I don't wanna work all my life just to marry some girl and live a decent life. I want to feel, and experience things. Hell I don't wanna even love a lady," George huffs in frustration, eyes cast to the side as his hands play with the hem of his shirt. "What do you mean? We do feel and experience things. And what do you mean you don't wanna love a lady?" Will questions, pure confusion laced in his tone. "I'll just show you what I mean!" George gives up, smashing his lips against Will's. Taken back at first Will finds himself automatically melting into it, kissing back just as forcefully. George snakes a hand into Will's hair, the other loosely hanging over his shoulder. Will keeps one hand on the counter to support himself as his other wraps around George's waist. Having to pull away for air they silently stare into each others eyes, breathing labored. "Tell me more," Will mumbles as he keeps himself as close to the other as possible, lips already longing for more.

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